Her past

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A.N: This chapter takes place 10 years ago when Petra and Jesse (or Jessica in the story)  are 6...

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Screamed the red-haired girl in fear, pain and anger as she tried to shield herself from each blast. The blue skinned boy kept attacking with waves of energy and plasma hitting her against her arms repeatedly. Pain shooting through her body with each blast. Anger swelled up in her veins and energy started to grow inside her heart. Her eyes glowed a golden colour as a burst of golden energy blew the boy away. She looked up to him in fear as he scrambled to his feat and ran away from her giving her a glare. She stood up weakly looking for a cave of sorts to hide in for the night. She saw a small cave of in the cliff and ran to it. This should be a safe spot to stay the night.

Her mind started to comprehend what had happened. She blasted an all powerful being that possessed he own brother. "How in the name of my life did I do that!?" she said allowed. All she truly knew was that she was alone, there was no one left. She was alone. No one left in her life.

The sudden sound of footsteps made her jump and trip up. She fell on her arm and let out a yelp of pain.

"Hello?", a female voice asked. "Is someone there?" A raven black haired girl turned the corner and saw the red  haired girl shaking in pain and fear as their eyes met.

"Oh my! Are you ok!?" The girl said as she stepped closer to the fritened girl who backed away slightly as tears started to form in her eyes. "Hey" she said softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help you". The raven haired girls emerald eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she reached out her hand. "By the way, my name is Jessica. However, you can call me Jesse. What's your name?" Jesse stated with her hand still outstretched. The girl finally spoke. "M-my name is P-Petra" she said as she took Jesse's hand. At least she wasn't alone anymore.

A.N: Sorry if this was short but I'm bad at this sort of stuff. Please forgive meh. Also I'm sorry my fellow Lukesse fans but this is Jesstra. I promise I will do a lukesse book sooner or later. Anyways, note that implodes won't be regular due to school and that junk. But anyways, BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE. 😁🐆🦊🐺

Word count: under 300. Well quality over quantity. Right? Oh who am I kidding that number is pathetic. Better luck next time.

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