Reflection of Time

Start from the beginning

          With all his possessions in tow, the emerald-eyed teen had finally stepped through the portal . . .

          . . . looked around . . .

          And blinked.

          This isn't so different.

          Actually, it was not different at all, he had realized, as he had easily recognized London.

          Harry had stayed silent as he pondered on the first order of business. He had needed to find a computer and research where he could sell his gold. He was not overly picky, but he had needed to find an honest dealer or a trustworthy bank. The jet black-haired wizard was extremely thankful that he had messed around with his cousin's computer a bit when he was younger and not completely eschewed technology like many Muggle-borns who entered the wizarding world. As it was, he had felt relatively comfortable that he could easily find what he needed without drawing attention to himself.

          However, walking into the internet cafe had given the young wizard the first indication of something truly different about this dimension. The computers were not the big, bulky contraptions he remembered, but instead sleek and sharp. Also, upon logging in, he had found they also ran much faster than his cousin's.

          That being said, it had not taken him long to find the best place to sell his gold. The place apparently had five stars from their customers, except it was in Sweden.

          Harry had to use magic and Confund some muggles, but he had been able to get on a plane to Stockholm. Once there, he had staked out and, after a hasty transfiguration of his clothes into nicer ones, walked into the bank.

          There had not appeared to be any real tellers, just a pseudo-receptionist at a front desk. The bank employee had seemed reluctant to believe Harry would be worth his time when the raven-haired teen approached and claimed he had gold to sell. This had rapidly changed when he had pulled out ten gold bricks, and an appraiser had been quickly summoned.

          They had swiftly and efficiently examined and preformed tests to determine that the gold was not only real, but its fineness had been of almost nine hundred ninety-five, or twenty-four karat quality; so they had agreed on a settlement price. Harry did not have to snoop around or do another background check to know security there had been tight. Anyways, after settling for about six million dollars, the warlock had set up an armored car to "retrieve" the rest of his gold. He had needed about ten of them, but he had been able to get them squared away, although he did have to use magic to Confund them into doing so.

          Two weeks later, Harry had a bank account with over thirty billion dollars in his name.

          After that, he had decided to travel the world like he had never been able to in his home dimension. However, he had never stayed in one place for long, but just enough to enjoy the different countries and their cultures.

          With a little more than a two years' worth of travel under his belt, the now young man was finally searching for a place to settle down and re-wind.


          "Please take your belongings with you as you disembark from the plane," a voice reminded over the loudspeaker, causing Harry to jolt awake.

          The Boy-Who-Lived glanced around and realized the other passengers were already standing up and grabbing their things.

          He yawned, slowly getting up and stretching out his legs and arms from their protracted inactivity. He was pretty sure he slept through most of the eight-hour-long plane ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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