Reflection of Time

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          It had been two years. 

          Two long years since Harry had entered the dimensional portal to step foot into this world. After he had defeated the evilest Dark Lord in wizarding history, Lord Voldemort, he had had enough and wanted to start over. Few could blame him: he had lost nearly all his friends in the war.

          Simply said, after Ron Weasley, the person Harry had viewed as a brother for over six years, abandoned the Golden Trio in a jealous fit over something the Boy Who Lived could never seem to understand, Harry and Hermione had begun investigating alternate ways to vanquish Voldemort. It had been then that Hermione found a way to help him: The Phoenix Ashes Ritual, which would grant amazing powers and abilities. Several times, the raven-haired teen wondered how the Dark Lord could have overlooked this.

          First thing had been first: the two had to collect the . . . unique components. Fortunately, most of the ingredients had been easily obtained without alerting any Death Eaters or Voldemort, for that matter. The duo had quietly gathered the dragon scale, unicorn horn, Thestral tail hair, and salamander's blood. The hardest part had most likely been the phoenix tears, for neither friends had seen the Headmaster's bird since the old wizard's funeral.

          Then, as if sensing their needs and thoughts focused on him, Fawkes had appeared in a flash of flames - just when they needed the beautiful bird most - and had offered what they wanted.

          The ritual had been excruciating at first. So much power and energy was being poured into every fiber of his being. Oh, how he had begged for the pain to stop, surely death would have been better that what had transpired; this torture had been unlike anything Harry had felt before. He had been unaware of anything going on other than the pain, not even aware of his own blood-curling screams.

          Suddenly, it had stopped. The young wizard had found himself on hands and knees, panting as though he had just run a marathon.

          But they knew it had worked when Hermione had witnessed her friend preform wandless magic with ease. He had still practiced with a wand of course, but still, the warlock was more powerful than he had ever dreamed.

          Sadly, Fawkes had not stayed and disappeared, that time for good.

          After that ordeal, Hermione and Harry had continued to hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes, Ron had come back, and together the Golden Trio had destroyed Slytherin's Locket, ventured deep in Gringotts to steal Hufflepuff's Cup, snuck into the school to find Ravenclaw's Diadem, and the Battle of Hogwarts had begun.

          When the battle had come to a close, and Hogwarts had come out victorious, it had truly been a marvelous occasion. However, the price had been very high. Countless students had died, and the raven-haired teen had lost nearly all his friends.

          And Harry had not wanted to remain in a world surrounded by dead loved ones.

          Luckily, the curly-haired brunette had seemed to understand her friend's pain. She had then actually helped him with the ritual to send him to another dimension after he had settled his affairs. Hermione had, however, insisted that he take all his wealth with him if he ever need it.

          Of course, Harry had heeded her advice, seeing as he did not have a say-so anyway, so he had withdrawn the entirety of his gold from Gringotts and devised a way to carry all of it as well as enough food to last him at least a month. Along with the essentials, he had also carried some muggle clothes, robes, and various books of magic in case the new dimension had magic, and if he ever needed to use magic in said dimension.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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