Chapter 1:A Dark Past

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(The Warden's P.O.V)

"I was going down to the Prison with two guards escorting me to interrogate the detainee and i saw a teenage man locked up with his hands chained up and as i come closer i felt this cold feeling and the boy was aware i am near him and so i was close to him and i said'Why are you here and why did you attempted to kidnap the princess?'And he replied'Someone Has my Brother and i attempted to kidnap her to get answers but someone tricked and got locked up'and i was shock that the princess knows this man's brother but i doubt he has some answers and i asked him'Boy why do you do this you got lots of crime already killing a victim of yours who didn't give information on where your brother is and what happen to you?'

(The Dark Assassin's P.O.V)

"He asked but i replied'Heh you can never know what i have been through'i replied and by replying i saw his face he was shock and might be thinking i must be a abandoned child who turned to be a criminal and i asked him'Do you know the story of two Brothers who have been through alot?'And then he answered no and then i told him the story'Once upon a time their were two farmboys who lived happy but after the knights got attacked by assassin's their Mother And Father Were killed so the farmboys continued living but they were shook hat their parents was killed they would visit their graves every chance they got and the brothers dreamt of being knights and their names were Akira and Kenma."

(Akira's P.O.V)

"After the knights didn't save our parents i hold a grudge against them while my brother Kenma still believes on the knights and he still wants to be a knight while me i never wanted to a knight no longer because on what happen to our parents and so we went to our new home and we ignored everything at that day and continued with our daily routine without our parents and one day i woke up and my brother is eating breakfast and he said'Good Morning Akira i made boiled eggs for breakfast and eat yours now and while your eating i will harvest the crops'And i replied'Yes Brother and stay safe'and smiled before goes to harvest the crops and i sat down ate my boiled egg and daydreamt how can the knights be just a dream and i heard a noise outside upon looking i saw my brother getting beaten by the bullies and i rushed downstairs to save my brother from the bullies and i got outside and i immediately run towards to the bullies and punched one of them and i stared at them but i thought i can bring one them down and they started beating me and it hurts so bad i wish it can go away but then something happened extraordinary i floated with my eyes glowing and summoning shadows to defeat them and they did and the bullies ran away and my vision goes white and a person spoke'Akira your a boy who wants to be strong i can give you that power accept me and we can be one with the shadows'And i said yes and he replied'Very well the shadows will be now be in your side and will protect you at any costs Akira S.Kimura a great future is ahead of you'and i fell to our cornfield and a surge of dark power upon falling the crops almost flew away and my brother rushed to me and helping me to stand he was shocked that i got the powers and he asked'How did you got those powers?'And i replied saying'I made a deal with the devil and i think i have some shadow powers.'And he said'Akira please promise me you will never let anyone know you got this powers okay?'And i nod and hugged me and he said'Let's go do our work'and that day i thought i was going to be normal but i  was special and after that day my brother got powers he didn't have the same powers as i have he got the opposite of my power which is light so that we were equal we trained to harness our powers each day and one day the demons were awoken again and attacked the kingdom and the knights were trying to keep them away from the villagers and they come to our house and i was asleep at that time and the great mage finally close the underworld for a short time only and the battle wasn't over and i know they will come back and i woke up finding i am at the palace and the knights checked if i was alright and i ran away towards our house and trying to find my brother but no luck he was gone and i fell to the ground crying that my brother is gone and i wiped my tears and packed my things and i am going to the temple of the southern region and it took me few weeks to get their and i was at the front gate of the temple and i was pushed back and the doors open and i was greeted by a oldman and he asked'Who are you and why are you here?'and i replied'I am Akira S.Kimura and i seek your guidance'and he was surprised and he said'Oh come in come in i didn't know my student's son is here and by the way where is your father?'and i replied'He's................gone.'And he replied'I am sorry for asking and you said seek my guidance what do you mean by that?'and i replied'My father talks about you alot and want to be trained by your hands i cannot train myself so i seek your guidance master'and he smiled and he trained me like my father but i thought this wasn't the style my father used to show me and i think he knows i have powers and he trained that too every year i used to accomplish something good and the year came where another disaster came the knights attacked the southern region the samurais and other villagers fought against the knights and me and master was going home until we saw them we battled them i grabbed my dagger like katana and slash way through the knights and using my powers to my advantage and while i was saving the villagers master defeated a knight and found a scroll and reads it and he dodges the arrow coming at him and a lawbringer came grabbed master and he tossed him to the side of the temple and he stabbed him in the stomach and i saw him then i teleported next to the lawbringer and slitting his throat and i put my hand on the wound of my master and he said to me'Akira take this scroll it will lead you to the upgrades of your power and Muramasa the Demon Blade and use your powers for good i will miss you Akira and i will say hi to your father when i got their Akira.............'And he died i was tearing up in anger and i carried him to the tomb of the grand masters and laying him down and putting my offerings to him and leaving to the places where i could upgrade my powers and so i did i got lots of new weapons and a new outfit and i met a girl who can turn into the Muramasa and i submit to her and i promised i will protect her and one day i was in the market seeing a poster of my brother saying found child and i was shock and by looking at the paper it was very old and so i tried to find my brother and i killed those people who didn't give me the right answers and they named me the Dark Assassin and i reached to the Kingdom of Descents where a man knows where my brother is and at night i snuck in to the palace and sneaked to the princess's bedroom and i grabbed her and she grabs my arm and stabs me in the neck with a sleeping dart.

(Akira/The Dark Assassin's P.O.V)

"'And that was the end of the story'And the warden replied'Huh so your Akira the boy who is missing for 17 years and you are trying to kidnap the princess for an answer nice story.'And he smirked and went upstairs but he was knocked out by a girl and she came to me i said'It's time to find him Mizuki.'And she open my cell and freed me and she said'Master do you sense that?'And i replied with a yes and she transforms to the Muramasa and i wielded it and the guards came downstairs and they said'Halt put the katana down or you won't be killed!'I replied'It's not me who's gonna end up dead it's all of you.'and my eyes turned red

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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