Chapter 2: Featured

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Jacks POV

I was working on a video when I heard a knock on my door.  "Be right back guys." I said to the livestream.  A lot of comments popped up saying "Awe" or "Where r u going?" I chuckled.  "Someone knocked." I smile and leave the room, walking and answering my front door.  It was (Y/N) and another girl. The other girl's jaw drops, and she freaks out.  "OH MY GOD! ITS ACTUALLY YOU, I THOUGHT (Y/N) WAS LYING!"  She shouts, I chuckle.  "Hello, and who might this be (Y/N)?"  I ask with a smile, looking towards you. "This is Wendy, my best friend."  You smile and motion towards her.  "So, you come over just to stop by, or do you guys wanna come in?"  I asked.  Wendy almost faints "I'm actually, gonna be able, to go, into, *THE* JACKSEPTICEYE'S HOUSE!" She shouts.  I  laugh with (Y/N) as we walk inside, your friend follows.  "" She looks around, admiring the small apartment.  "!" she shouts, me and (Y/N) laugh again.  "Is she always like this?" I ask with a smile, you nods.  "Well, I wanted you to come over today anyway, wanna be in a video with me?"  I ask, Wendy shoots over next to (Y/N), a huge smile present on her face.  "WAIT! WE CAN BE IN ONE OF YOUR VIDS?!" She shouts, I nod.  Wendy actually fainted this time, hitting the ground with a loud *THUD*.  You and I watched as she fell.  I picked her up and carried her to the couch, this is the moment I noticed, you were blushing a deep red. I thought it was because I didn't have a shirt on so I flexed on purpose. I chuckle, you were staring.  "You enjoying the view back there?"  I ask with a small chuckle.  You shake your head a little and blink a few times.  "Huh?"  You ask with a smile, your face still red.  "It's fine, I have that affect."  I smile and walk away.  "By the way, before my friend fainted, she didn't answer your question, yes.  I would love to be in your video Jack."  You smiled shyly, blushing even deeper.  I smile and lead (Y/N) into my recording studio "I'm gonna go put a shirt on, I'll be right back." I could see you playfully pout before I left the room, and I chuckled.  After I slipped a t shirt on I went back into the recording room with (Y/N).  I walked in quietly and snuck up behind you, grabbing your sides and tickling you, you shrieked.  "AHHHHHH!" You almost fell out of the chair.  I laughed "You, Jackass!" You shouted and held your hand out, I helped you up, still laughing my ass off.  "It's not funny!" You shouted as you lightly punched my shoulder, I still laughed.  I looked over at the screen and saw people spamming "Omg, that was so hilarious!! Her(or his) reaction was priceless!"  You were taking deep breaths  "I know right?!" I shouted, continuing to laugh.  "It wasn't that funny." You crossed your arms.  "Yeah, it was, you should've seen your face!"  I keep laughing.  You roll your eyes, sighing.  "Ok, ok... I'll st-stop..." I take a deep breath and calm down.  "Thank you, god.  Your laugh may be adorable, and I love hearing it, but that's a little too much there hun." You smile, and then realize that you said that out loud, I was blushing slightly.  "You think my laugh's adorable?" I smile, shyly, you blush a deep red "Wait... I said that out l-loud?" You look at the ground, blushing.  "Y-yeah... and millions of other people heard that too." I chuckle weakly.  "Shit..." you leave the room, as red as a tomato.  I walk over to my computer and say my outro, ending the livestream and going into the living room with her and Wendy.  "I am... so sorry, I said that out loud..." (Y/N) placed their face into their hands.  I chuckled, and so did Wendy "Hey, it's ok." I place my hand on your shoulder.  "I am... so embarrassed about that..." you chuckle shyly.  "Hey, (Y/N), don't be, thank you for the compliment, I'm glad you enjoy my laugh, otherwise you would be annoyed by me all the time." I laugh, and you giggled shyly along. "Thank you, I feel, slightly less embarrassed about it now." You chuckle. "C'mon. There's this cool Ice cream shop down the road, You guys wanna go get some?" I ask with a smile, they both nod in agreement. "Cool, follow me." We leave and get into my car. "I'm actually, in a car, with Jacksepticeye..." Wendy says to herself. (Y/N) and I laugh.
We drive down the road to a cute little Ice cream Parlor.  Wendy, (Y/N), and I walk inside and go up to the counter.  Wendy slightly hides behind you when a guy walks up to the counter.  Wendy peeks over your shoulder and jumps up and down.  "I'm sorry... HOW MANY OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE LIVE HERE?!" She shouts.
"Uhm, what?"  You ask.
"Oh..." Jack chuckles "The guy behind the counter, this is Ethan.  He's also a youtuber."  Jack smiles and Ethan waves at us from behind the counter.
"Which one?"  You look over to Wendy.
"Crankgameplays!"  She shouts happily.
"Ha!  What can I get for you guys?"  Ethan asks.
"Oh, girls?  What do you want?"  I look down to you.
"Oh, Uhm... I'm still looking, you can go ahead Jack."  She smiles, and god she looks so adorable.
"Ok, I'll have two scoops of Chocolate ice cream please Ethan."  I smile at him, he nods.
I look over and see Wendy hidden behind you again, and you're whispering to Wendy.
"And we'll have a scoop of vanilla for me, and a scoop of Tootie Frootie for her."  You smile at Ethan.
"Ok, it'll be ready shortly!"  Ethan reaches down and grabs three cones, scooping up the Tootie Frootie one first, then Vanilla, and Chocolate after that onto the three different cones.
He takes all three cones and carries them to the register, placing them on the pickup counter.  He types some stuff in on his register.
"9.87 please." He smiles.
"Alrighty!"  I pull out a ten and hand it to him.
He gives me back the change and I just place it in the tip jar. 
"Have a lovely day you three!"  Ethan gives me the receipt.
"You too!"  I say as I grab the cones and carry them to a table across the room.
I place all three down and grab mine as the other two sit on their chairs across from me. 

— About 10-15 minutes later —

I stood up, you and Wendy did the same right after.  We walked out of the building and got back into my car.  I started the car and we drove back to my place.
Once we got there I look at Wendy in the backseat "Do you need a ride home?"  I ask her.
"Oh, no, but to (Y/N)'s apartment would be great, since that's where my car is."  She giggles.
I smile "Alright, do you wanna stay here (Y/N), or ride down there with us?  I'll be back later either way." 
"Oh, I'll go with." You smile that adorable smile of yours again.
I smile, nod, and start driving over to (Y/N)'s apartment complex.

— After you and Jack get back to his house —

We walk inside my apartment and m you sit down on the couch.  I turn and close the door.
"Now that we're alone..." I smirk.
Your face turns bright red.

To Be Continued...

I know, I'm an ass.  You're welcome!  Now you have to wait for the next chapter to know what happens.
I'm evil.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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