Chapter one: The day we met

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Your POV

I was just walking down the street, in beautiful Sweden, when I saw a familiar person across the street, all the way on the other sidewalk. He was walking, his big black framed glasses, beanie, jacket, and green hair.  "Jacksepticeye?"  I whispered to myself.  He looks up from his phone, and noticed me staring, my face heats up, as he smiles and waves, I wave back, shyly, with a small smile on my face.  I look from left to right, seeing if there are any cars coming, none.  I run across the crosswalk and walk with him.  "Oh my god! It's actually you!"  I smile wide, jumping and wrapping my hands around his neck, hugging him tightly, he hugs back.  "Ye must be a fan!"  He chuckles.  "Can I take a picture with you?!"  I shout happily.  He nods with a smile, I pull out my phone as quickly as I can.  I open the camera and we do a few poses, a smile, a silly face, and just a pose.  I look at them and up to him.  "Thank you!  I've always wanted to meet you!"  I felt tears forming in my eyes.  "Awe! Don't cry!" He laughs lightly. "I'm sorry! It's just, so amazing to meet you!" I hug him once again. "Calm down, tell me your name!" He smiles and we walk slowly down the side walk together. "Oh, (Y/N)." I smile wide and giggle. "Well, You probably already know my name, but, I'm Séan, Jack, pleased to meet ya (Y/N)". He holds out his hand, I shake it. We walk down the sidewalk, talking about random stuff. "So, I know you know about me, but I wanna know more about you, like, what's your favorite color?" He smiles, my face heats up a small bit. "THE Jacksepticeye, wants to learn about ME!?" I think as I calmly respond with my favorite color. He smiles "How about, do you have any pets, if so, how many, and what're their names?" He chuckles and I answered his question. "How old are you? I know it's impolite to ask, but I'm curious." He smiles. "Oh, I'm 26, and you're 28!" I giggle and lightly punch his shoulder. He smiles, a slight blush appears on his beautifully pale skin, making his already beautiful, ocean blue eyes, more beautiful. I smile and we continue walking, him asking me questions, and me asking him. We finally arrive at my apartment complex and he takes my hand, kissing the back of it. "It was quite amazing to meet you (Y/N). I hope we see each other again soon." He let's go of my hand and starts to leave, but while he walks past me he places a piece of paper in my pocket. I don't look at it until I'm inside my room. It has a number on it, a three digit number and the name of a complex. I smile and blush, biting my lip in embarrassment. "Again... *The* Jacksepticeye, just gave *me* his *address*!" I squeal, very high pitched. I realized it was late and headed to bed, with a huge smile on my face.


I wake up and head downstairs, yawning and stretching. "I need some coffee." I think to myself as I head into the kitchen, and make some coffee. I walk into the living room as it's brewing, After a few minutes I head back and make my cup of coffee, with just a little bit of sugar. I hear my doorbell ring, I walk over and answer it. "Hey! (F;BFF/N) What're you doing here?!" I shout as I hug her. "I heard you moved here, so I came to visit you!" She hugs me. "How ya been (Y/N)?" She asked. "Pretty good, wbu?" I ask. "Great! Now that I get to hang out with you!" She smiles, and we laugh. I move and let them walk in. She sits on the couch. I take a few sips of my coffee. "I heard you found a someone, you be crushin'~?" She teases me. "Maybe." I blush and look to my lap. "Who is it?" She asks, smirking. "Jacksepticeye." I respond with a smile, her jaw drops. "No fuckin way!" She shouts happily. "Yeah!" I say. "Prove it!" She says. I smile and go get the paper he gave me yesterday. "C'mon, were goin on a field trip!" I smile and we walk out to my car and we drive away. I find the complex and go to his room number, knocking on the door. I hear footsteps after a door closing. He answers and smiles, (F;BFF/N)'s jaw drops, and she freaks out. "OH MY GOD! ITS ACTUALLY YOU, I THOUGHT (Y/N) WAS LYING!" She shouts, Jack chuckles. "Hello, and who might this be (Y/N)?" He asks with a smile, looking towards me. "This is (F;BFF/N), my best friend." I smile and motion towards her. "So, you come over just to stop by, or do you guys wanna come in?" Jack asks. My friend almost faints "I'm actually, gonna be able, to go, into, *THE* JACKSEPTICEYE'S HOUSE!" She shouts. Me and Jack laugh as we walk inside, my friend follows. "" She looks around, admiring the small apartment. "!" She shouts, me and Jack laugh again. "Is she always like this?" Jack asks with a smile, I nod. "Well, I wanted you to come over today anyway, wanna be in a video with me?" He asks, my friend shoots over next to me, a huge smile present on their face. "WAIT! WE CAN BE IN ONE OF YOUR VIDS?!" She shouts, Jack nods. My friend actually fainted this time, hitting the ground with a loud *THUD*. Jack and me watch her fall. Jack picks her up and carries her to the couch, this is the moment I realized, Jack wasn't wearing a shirt. My face heated up immediately, and I think he noticed, because he flexed on purpose. "Fuck... he's so cute, and hot..." I think as my face heats up more, he chuckles, I guess I was staring. "You enjoying the view back there?" He asks with a small chuckle. I shake my head a little and blink a few times. "Huh?" I ask with a smile, my face still red. "It's fine, I have that affect." He smiles and walks away. "By the way, if my friend fainting didn't answer your question, yes. I would love to be in your video Jack." I smile shyly, blushing even deeper.

To Be Continued...

I want your guys' answers!

Should the best friend be girl or boy:

What is your favorite color:

Do you have any pets, if so how many, and what are their names:

Plz answer the questions, luv u all!


*slides away*

A love, hidden behind masksUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum