Chapter 11

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Conan, Heiji and Hakuba managed to dodge the bullet fired at them. However, Kaito was not lucky enough to dodge and the bullet scraped his side. Pain shot through Kaito's whole body and his face grimaced with pain. His white suit slowly turned into crimson red. Conan, Heiji and Hakuba were shocked, Conan immediately launched a black and white projectile towards Gin's gun and managed to knocked the gun off Gin's hands. The gun slide over the edge of the building and dropped to the ground floor. The fight was too quick to follow, I was stunned in a dark corner. I did not realized that Kaito was injured until I saw the red patch on his white suit. 

~Level 1 (Beika Museum)~

While Conan, Heiji, Kaito and Hakuba were fighting on the rooftop, Professor Agasa and Haibara reached the museum. Gin's gun happened to drop beside Haibara's foot. Haibara immediately notified Nakamori keibu-san that a gun had dropped from the rooftop. Nakamori keibu-san was in utter shock as Kaito Kid was a thief who did not use any gun or other weapons to steal and only used magic tricks as distraction. He would not hurt or kill anyone on his heist. Nakamori keibu-san immediately summoned those officers with him to get to rooftop with him as he deduced that Kaito Kid was being targeted. Haibara recognised Gin's gun and was pertrified. Professor Agasa knew that something was wrong and he quickly led Haibara back to his yellow car to go back home. 

~Agasa Hakase's House, Haibara's Lab~

Haibara concluded that Gin, Volkda were on the rooftop. Haibara took this time that she knew the security in the hideout would be lower and hacked in the base account. She wanted to find information about Black Organisation, their hideout and bases, the plan for all those crimes and the antidote of Apotoxin4869.  She extracted out the information and saved it in her computer.

~Roof top~

Gin was shaking with rage and clenching his jaw to find that his gun was knocked over the edge of the building. Conan chose this moment of distraction that Gin was not focusing on him, he shot a soccer ball at him. Due to this shot, it created a bowling effect, causing the people standing behind Gin to topple. Just as Gin fell, Nakamori Keibu-san and his officer arrived at the roof top. Nakamori keibu-san immediately pointed his gun at Gin, Snake, Vodka and the rest of the members of the Black Organisation. The officers immediately handcuffed all of the members.  Nakamori keibu-san saw Kaito Kid was injured and quickly call the ambulance and sent Kaito Kid to the hospital for treatment. I quickly ran out of my hiding place and help Kaito with his wound by putting pressure on the injury, trying to stop the blood flow. Luckily the bullet skimmed passed his side and not a clean hole through his body, the blood flow was still considered easy to stop with my medical skill I have being studying in London. The onlookers and Kaito Kid's fans were dismissed in order to prevent any more injuries. The members of the Black Organisation were gathered at level 1 of Beika Museum. Chianti and Korn were at the rooftop of the building waiting for the right timing to eliminate Conan, Kaito Kid, Heiji and Hakuba after all of them showed up. However, they did not expect the situation to turn out like that. They were stunned by the sudden twist to the situation and did not manage to fire the bullet from the sniper at Kaito Kid and the detectives. 


Hi guys!!! Sorry for going missing for so long. Here is Chapter 11.

What will happen to Chianti and Korn at the opposite building????? Will they get CAUGHT????

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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