Chapter 15

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 Jim was seated on the porch of the hotel  when they returned. Once they were all gathered in her suite Jim had more questions about what happened on the mountain and in Scottsville at the medicine show. Slim had filled him in on most of it but he still wanted to hear what she and Jake had to tell him about the past days incase Slim had left anything out.

Sam was quiet wondering if she should tell Jim about the envelope she found among her father's papers and decided not to. She still couldn't bring herself to tell anyone about her birth even if there was a chance it would lead them to her father's killer. She kept asking herself what if this had nothing to do with his death and she told Jim and somehow her mother learned Sam knew about her birth. Her father after all had asked her never to let Julie know. Sam knew she would honor his request for as long as she possibly could. She would just have to wait and see what they might learn from Dixie Russell. So many different thoughts kept running through her head as to what options or directions she should take.

Jim told them Webb was able to learn that Dixie Russell was due back in a day or two. They would be returning to the saloon late tomorrow afternoon to see if she was there.

Bob rode in later telling them he didn't find any property or birth records with the last name of Corley. Of course there wouldn't be anyway to determine if any property was register under the first name of Corley. It could also mean the man was either from another county or perhaps from out of the state. Tim had followed Bob into her room to hear what news he had to tell everyone.

They decided Sam should question her uncle to see if he knew anyone one with the name of Corley. Jake as usual was the one chosen to accompany her to the general store. 

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"You know Samantha, it seems as if a long time ago I heard that name somewhere but I'm not just sure where," he told her rubbing his chin as he thought.  Sam wondered he was telling her the truth or was she now reading things into what people said wondering if they knew about her birth. Surely her aunt and uncle knew that she wasn't Julie's child. "Why do you want to know?"

 When Sam hesitated a few moments  as what to tell her Uncle. Jake was the one to speak up and tell her uncle why they wanted to know.

"The name Corley came up as someone that may have hired the men that attacked Sam and shot her at the ranch," Jake told her uncle wondering why he had the feeling the man was lying to them about knowing the name. Could Sam's uncle be involved in this?

Sam saw surprised look on the uncle's face at learning the reason why but he still said he didn't remember where he'd heard that name. "If I remember anything I'll be sure and let know you right away Samantha."

 After they left Jake cupped his hand under her elbow and propelled her between two buildings to the alley behind a store before they stopped where he would be able to talk with her in private. "Your uncle acts like he knows something. Why Sam? Why would he risk your life by not telling us," Jake wanted to know as he looked at the stunned look on Sam's face.

"I..I don't know why he wouldn't tell us if he knew something," she lied to him.

"Right now Sam I don't think you're telling me the truth," he said looking at her and Sam felt her face turning red. Sam couldn't look Jake in the eyes.

"Jake I have to have time to think this over."

"You know why he didn't tell us the truth don't you." Frustrated Jake grabbed her shoulders and shook her when she didn't answer him. He wanted to shake some sense into her. "You are playing with your life by withholding information from us Sam."

Trail of DeceptionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon