Chapter 5

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I decided to pull out the journals I had thrown on my bed a few days ago. They had fallen under my bed. I reached under and grabbed the first one I could feel. I pulled it up and looked at it . It was the one that had the scribbled out name. After that I reached under again and something grabbed my hand. I looked down in horror to see a black hand curled around mine. I tried to pull away but it wouldn't let me . I got up and stomped on the hand and when I looked back down there was no other hand there it was just mine and I was stomping on it. I stopped and crawled back up onto my bed and curled up in a ball and cried. After I finished crying I looked around and then looked down at my rist and it was swollen and purple . I went down stairs and showed it to my mom. She told me that we needed to go to the hospital and I agreed. We went to the hospital that day and I knew that my rist was broken but I didn't say anything and I just let them examine it. After that they rapped it up and gave me a follow up appointment to get a cast. 

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