Chapter Two.

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My body ached as I turned over and picked up my phone. It felt like I hadn't slept at all and of course, someone had to call me and wake me out of the sleep. I barely had enough time to rest as it is, I didn't need someone waking me up every hour. As I pressed the answer button on my iPhone, my best friends voice filled my ear and I immediately regret picking up the phone.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my best friend but sometimes she could just be too much.

"Sugarplum!!!" I groaned and pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Girl do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, I do actually. It's 8:50. What are you still doin' in bed?" My eyes widened and I yanked the phone away from my ear once more looking at time.

"Ugh, fuck. Babe I gotta go, I'll call you later." I jumped up from my warm bed to come face to face with the chilly air. A shiver went down my spine but I ignored it and took off my clothes before hopping in the shower. I was already late and I knew Rico was gonna give me hell for it.

I quickly washed my body and dried off. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then ran into the room throwing on my uniform. I sprayed some of my cologne on my neck and my clothes and proceeded to run out the door. I clicked the unlock button on my keys as the lights to my Audi r8 blinked twice.

I hopped in the car and sped to the club. De'Javu, one of the best lesbian clubs in the state of Florida. De'Javu was and still is so popular that it is known worldwide. People from all over the country, travel literally just to come to this club. As I pulled into the entrance, I could see the line of people wrapping around the building. I chuckled lightly as I watched Richardo try to calm down some girls who wanted to get in, throw a tantrum.

I swiftly parked the car, and began making my way to the door. As soon as some of the women caught sight of my uniform, they were reaching out for me and begging me to come over just to convince me to get them into the club. That was one thing about working here, I always felt like some sort of celebrity. They only let the best of the best work at this club and luckily enough I had the look and the attitude they wanted.

I ignored the flirty looks of the girls trying to catch my attention and walked into the club. I was immediately greeted with the sound of Red Nose blasting from the speakers. I froze for a second watching the bodies of the beautiful women move along to the music. I bit my lip as I felt that familiar tug of pleasure in my stomach. I shook those thoughts out of my head, it was time for work. I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

I walked to the backroom and clocked in, luckily slipping past Rico in the process, and going to my post at the bar. Two girls walked up to the counter and I knew immediately that they were wasted. The red hair looked at me, and I knew exactly what she wanted.

"Well hellooooo sexy." I rolled my eyes mentally, putting a flirty smirk on my face.

"Wassup baby. What can I get you?" She leaned more on the counter, getting in my face and I resisted the urge to cringe. Her breath reeked of alcohol and she put on way too much perfume. She continued to flirt and smile all up in my face before she finally responded saying she wanted a Blue Motorcycle. I nodded and winked at her before turning around and grabbing one of the freshly cleaned tumblers. I poured in the mixture before shaking it up and smiling at her.

Most of her body was posted up on the counter, and her breasts were basically falling out of her tube top. I rolled my eyes, making sure she didn't notice. There was nothing more unattractive than a woman who couldn't handle her liquor. I finished making her drink, and flipped the tumbler quick, making the liquor pour into the glass smoothly. I slid the glass to her and licked my lips slowly, making sure she was watching me before leaning closer to her and brushing my lips again her ear.

"There you go beautiful." Her face flushed a scarlet red before she stuttered out a small "Thank you" and stumbled away. I chuckled and watched as she whispered something to her less attractive friend, before turning and pointing at me. I winked once more and her friend stood there looking unimpressed as she pulled her drunk friend out of view. The usual smirk formed back onto my face as Drew walked over.

"Hey, I need a bottle of Ciroc and a Sex on the Beach to the VIP section. Fast too, Ms. Rose doesn't like to wait." He sat down and chuckled lightly at my annoyed look. I had heard a lot about this Ms. Rose in the past few weeks that I've worked here, and I've seen her do what she does. At first, I thought everyone was judging too soon and that they just didn't know her well enough. But every time she's in the club, there's drama. Whether it's a girl screaming and crying, being carried out the club or a girl trying to fight her screaming some shit about revenge.

I didn't have time for bitchy ass women, who think they're the shit because they make money. I refuse to go through all that drama for a one night thing. She definitely wasn't my type and I didn't like her attitude, therefore I never gave her a second look. Unless it was a look of disgust or annoyance, whichever came first.

I finished getting her drinks together and began walking over to the table. I swiveled through the crowd trying not to drop anything, or step on anyone. There had to be a little over 500 people in the club tonight and this was a normal thing. It was sort of hard to make my way through the crowd, and over the women that had takin' a hard fall when the lights were pretty dim but somehow I succeeded.

I walked up the steps and waited as one of the guards that I didn't know the name of moved the rope. I simply walked into the section, set the drinks on the table and walked out, not even looking at her once in the process.

I heard her click her tongue in annoyance and I smirked. I guess she thought I was gonna get on my knees and cater to her. Too bad for her, I wasn't like them thirsty bitches and niggas that needed her attention. To me, she was just another stuck up, bougie female, and that was a complete turn off.

I made my way back to the bar to see a beautiful, Latina sitting at the counter looking annoyed. I walked behind the counter and walked over to where she was sitting, making sure I had on my signature smile.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had to deliver some drinks. How may I help you gorgeous?" As she turned around to look at me, I could already tell she had an attitude. But as soon as she saw my face fully, a smile spread across her face. She blushed and looked down.

"U-uh it's okay. Can I just have a club soda?" I smiled and nodded, grabbing a club soda from under the counter and pouring it into a small, glass cup. I dropped two ice cubed into the cup before sliding it over to her and doing my signature wink.

"There you go baby girl." She blushed even darker before grabbing the cup and taking a sip from the straw. Just as I was about to start flirting with the beautiful Latina, Ms. Rose just had to walk up. She sashayed over to the counter and smirked at me. Once again I rolled my eyes and smiled the fakest smile I could muster up.

"What can I get you?" I said in a way that I made sure she could hear the fakeness in my voice, and she could see how annoyed I was. Her smirk faltered a little bit before it widened and she leaned over the counter even more making sure I could see her cleavage. I ignored that at and started right into her eyes before I got an idea. A smirk overtook my face as the thought ran through my head. Time to play the player, let the games began.

Alright , this chapter was a little more about Shawn . And of course it was in her POV but ... How do you feel about Carmen so far ? What do you think Shawn has planned ? Comment and tell me what you think . ;)

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