“I don’t want to hear it Nick! If I wanted to see or speak to you – to any of you – I wouldn’t have run away.” I said to him in a low, icy tone.

He flinched at my words. “You have to listen to me Mitchie. Please let me explain?”

I opened my mouth to tell him where he could stick it but he carried on.

“I know you’re pissed at me, I know that I completely violated your trust for me, and I know that there is no point in apologising for it, because I know how hard it is for you to let anyone in. And when the people you trust to show even some amount of emotion to, back-stabs you, it hurts and you feel like you can’t trust anyone again. But you have to hear me out!”

I sighed and looked away from him. Out of everyone he is the only one who can read any of my emotions when not looking into my eyes (which I’ve been told is like an open book). I did not want him to read that my resolve was getting more painful, that all I wanted to do was run away and escape the feelings that were raking through me.

Again, Nick sensed my thoughts. “Mitchie, you know as well as I do that you are not the type of person to run away from your problems. You hold your ground until you resolve all of them, and you know it.”

“I wouldn’t be in this mess if you had just told me all of this in the first place!” I growled at him, making him sigh as he ran a hand through his hair.

“What do you expect me to do Mitchie? I’m only the Beta! When the Alpha orders you to do something you do it.” He paused, “And I’m sure you would not have thanked me if I had fought for dominance with Dad so I could become Alpha. Not over something as little as this.”

My growls got louder, my hands starting to shake as I fought to control my outrage.

“Little thing!  You call me being basically sold to someone a little thing?”

He growled back and took a step toward me, “Do not use that tone with me! And it would be a big deal if not for the solution to the problem.”

The red haze that had clouded my vision suddenly disappeared at the mention of a solution. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ll only tell you if you say you love and forgive me. And give me a big hug.” He said with a smirk and I growled again to conceal my slight humour. How can he still make me smile even when I’m pissed at him?

He grinned, once again sensing my thoughts, “Because I can be irresistibly cute when I want to be.”

As if to emphasise the point his grin disappeared to him doing his famous puppy dog eyes (excuse the pun) that made even my father go aw, but not wanting to be deterred I just shook my head at him.

“More like horrendously manipulative. Now talk before I go over there and kick you where the sun doesn’t shine!” I demanded, to which he just rolled his eyes at me.

“Yeah, yeah, you’ll hurt me with your mad ninja skills. I’m shaking in my black converse.” He replied.

“You should be. If my ninja skills were powerful when I was human, imagine what it will be like now that I’m a wolf!” I said, and was shocked when some sort of strong emotion suddenly clouded my brother’s expression, but before I could decipher it, it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.

“Okay, the solution is really simple. You see, they can’t make you be mated to the Douche Bag unless your wolf returns the Connection.” He said with a smart-ass grin on his face, as if he had unlocked all the secrets of the world, but I didn’t at all understand what he was going on about.

She-Wolf Chronicles: United Forces (1)Where stories live. Discover now