Chap 10The Goodnews❤❤

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Hello guys....actually I m having my exams next month so I m busy nowday....but I m writing this n today m just little upset as I can't achieve my target today because I m so depressed....I don't know y but m scared.....its my C.A exam.....guys plzz pray for me.....the syllabus is too much ....but I have to it anyhow...

Sanskar shout on a girl...

SANSKAR:- how dare u come here....?

A voice:- I bring her here....

Sanskar n AP get shocked.....

Ap:- swara...beta u don't know she is

Swara:- will stay here for she is not having any place to live

Sanskar:- its our house....not any dharamshala....

Swara:- sanskar plzz...u help the needy people so

Sanskar :- no....I will not help her.....n y she needs help

Kavita:- sanskar actually my bf betrayed me..,.

Ap:- tit for tat....

Swara:- mom she is pregnant.... In this condition where she will go
Ap:- ohk...but kavita always remember one thing don't u dare to do anything else u will see worst day of ur life....

Sanskar:- but mom....

He look at swara n leave in anger

Sanskar rush to his room....he was hell angry......he take the vase n throw it...he throw things here n there......

Swara walks in

Sanskar:- not now swara...just leave....

Swara still not listen to him n sanskar take his gun n points on her

Sanskar:- m very angry just leave......
Swara:- if u wanna kill me then kill me....i dont mind.....

He hold her hand n pinned her to the wall

Sanskar:-I ask u to leave but u as always disobey dare u bring her here.....

Swara:- sanskar she is in bad condition....her baby

Sanskar:- shutupp....swara....I m warning u if anything is don't by her.....u will be responsible......n yah listen one thing ....until she is here...I will not come here......u can call me when she leave......

Sanskar was about to go but swara faints ....

Time skip

Doc:- congrats Mr maheshwari she is pregnant.....

Sanskar n aP was on cloud 9

Ap hugs swara.....n ask the cook to distribute sweets.....she leave swasan alone....

Sanskar:- swara....

He hugs her...

Swara:- sanskar I don't believe it....mai mai maa....oh god

Precap:- kavita saves swara

I make her MRS SANSKAR MAHESHWARI Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant