32//"Just want to hear your voice."

Start from the beginning

"What?! Yuna go to meet Jungkook?!" - Hoseok

"Yah! You surprised us!" - Yewon

"You are being a busybody." - Eunbi

"Yes, she is going to meet Jungkook. What's your problem now?" - Sojung

"Nothing. Just asking, don't be mad." - Hoseok

"That's right. Please keep your madness. But I like to my real Sojung who is hot tempered." - Seokjin

"Hey, are you mocking me or praising me?" - Sojung

"Of course I praise you. You are my lovely girl." - Seokjin

"Whatever." - Sojung

Yuna POV

"Where is Jungkook?"

I walked around the park to find Jungkook but he I don't even see him.

Suddenly, my phone was vibrating. I look on my phone and realised that I have received a message from Jungkook.

Hey, are you trying to skip your class?

What are you trying to say now?

Just tell me the truth. You you are skipping your class, right? Look at what time is now, it's a little bit earlier from usual.

Hey, you think who are you to say that to me? And how does you know what time does I often go home. You are not study at the same place as me.

But, I know from my friends. Look behind.

I turn my head to look behind like what Jungkook ask me to.

I was really not surprise when I saw Jungkook was standing and looked at me. He was smiling brightly.

End of POV

"Tchhh..." - Yuna

"You are not surprise?" - Jungkook

"No. Not at all." - Yuna

"But, why. You should be surprised when you see I am standing behind you secretly." - Jungkook

"What did you said? 'Secretly'?" - Yuna

"That's not secretly, because I really can notice you here." - Yuna

"I saw your shadow, then I slowly looked behind , and I saw you were busy with your phone. Hahaha" - Yuna

"Okay. I lost." - Jungkook

"That's right." - Yuna


"Jungkook, can you tell me the story about our moment with the red umbrella when I was losing my memories?" - Yuna

"Why do you want to know? You already know, right?" - Jungkook

"But, I want to hear it from you." - Yuna

"Okay." - Jungkook

"Please tell me the story while making an eye contact to each other." - Yuna

"You are weird. But it's okay. Let me tell you." - Jungkook

Jungkook tell Yuna about their moments in the rain, with a red umbrella while doing an eye contact to each other.


"Yuna, actually what are your intention of this?" - Jungkook

"What? Intention?" - Yuna

"Don't act innocent, just tell me the truth." - Jungkook

"Why do you want to hear the story? And what about this eye contact?" - Jungkook

"Actually, I just want to hear your voice. And look at your face." - Yuna

"???" - Jungkook

"Huh. I want to hear the only voice that I will miss. And look at the face of my lovely guy that I will miss. You are so precious for me." - Yuna

"So, that's your intention behind this?" - Jungkook

"Yes. I want hear your voice and look on your face as much as I can." - Yuna

"I will miss you too." - Jungkook

"Always contact me, okay?" - Yuna

"Okay. Promise." - Jungkook

"Okay. Let's go home. I'm sleepy. I want to take a rest." - Yuna

"Come on." - Jungkook

"But, wait." - Jungkook

"What?" - Yuna

"Are you will coming to meet me at the airport tomorrow?" - Gfriend

"Of course I will. And the others also will be there." - Yuna

"But, you have class tomorrow, right?" - Jungkook

"But, BTS also have class tomorrow, right?" - Yuna

"Yes." - Jungkook

"So, they will skip their class and send you to the airport, right?" - Yuna

"Yes." - Jungkook

"If they can do that, we can too." - Yuna

"What do you mean? So you gonna skip your class again?" - Jungkook

"Yes. But wait, what about 'again'?" - Yuna

"You already skip your class today, right?" - Jungkook

"No. Ridiculous. The class was almost ended, and the lecturer was not around. So, I just go without the lecturer permission." - Yuna

"Oh, but still the same." - Jungkook

"No. That's not the same thing at all." - Yuna

"Okay, okay. Don't be mad at me." - Jungkook

To be continued

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