Chapter 2: School

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     I wake up to a sunlit room burning my eyes."Ugh why must it be so bright," I groaned to myself."Y/N get up Daniel and Blaze are here to pick you up." My mom screeched."Fine mom I'm coming down soon let me get ready first." I yelled obviously irritated with her. I go to the bathroom to brush my H/C hair and get me uniform on. After I'm ready I walk down stairs to see Daniel and Blaze waiting for me at the door."Hey Daniel sorry to making you wait I had to get ready." I explain."It's okay Y/N I was expecting you to take a bit Blaze told Dottie, Rylan, and I you where slow at getting ready," he explained innocently."BLAZE WHAT HAVE YOU TOLD THEM." I screamed."I've told them a lot about you Y/N." He giggled."Blaze get your little butt over here it's time to die." I tell chasing him out of the house Daniel following closely behind us.

" I tell chasing him out of the house Daniel following closely behind us

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*Le time skip brought to you by Blaze's death*

     After a long chase after Blaze, I calmed down and stopped running so I could and catch my breath. Blaze notices I was out of energy and slows down to let me catch up to him. A few moments later Daniel catches up to us both, sweating and out of breath. Aw that poor cinnamon roll, I thought. After walking for what seems like forever, we made it to the gate of the school at last. The school towerd over us intimidating me. I the adjust my attention to in front of the schools gate. There was a werewolf girl with purple hair and dark blue ears and tail waiting for someone at the gate. As we come closer she turns towards us her face lighting up. Not batting an eye at me and Daniel she runs over to Blaze and jumps on him."Um Blaze who is this girl." I ask confused."Hi I'm Dottie his girlfriend, who are you." She asked me smiling."I'm Blaze's older cousin." I add smirking at Blaze."Ugh Y/N why must you tell everyone that," he pouts. I look at him knowing what he is going to do. As I expected he leaps at me trying to knock me of balance. Before he reaches me I sway out of the way causing him to fall face first into the cement."That's what you get Blaze you know not to do that it's way to predictable." I smirk before walking away. Daniel follows after me as we see Dottie rush to Blaze to see if he is ok. I walk into the school before Blaze confronted me about what just happened. Looking around I noticed the school was crowded with Humans, Witches, Warlocks, Werewolves, and Meifwa at the school."Wow this place is amazing." I exclaim spinning to take in the sight of the school, not nearly getting enough."Yep and the school has a ton of great teachers I hope you get one of them." Daniel explained."And maybe some classes with me," he mumbled."What was that?" I ask trying to hear what he said."Oh nothing important  he quickly says before rushing me to the office to get my schedule.

     As we walk in I see woman with strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. She looks our way as we walk into the room. "Aw who is this cutie that you brought with you today." She asked Daniel."Oh hello Mrs. Principal, this is Y/N she is new here so I brought her here to get her class schedule." She looks at me up and down focusing on my ET/C (ear and tail color) ears and tail. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do. She than goes over to her computer and hits a few buttons. I jump as I hear the printer go off signaling something was done printing. She walks over to her printer to grab the sheet of paper." Here is your schedule, Daniel help her to her classes she is gonna need the help in such a crowded place like Phoenix drop high," she explains to Daniel. She turns back to me," Good luck on your first day Y/N, hope you make some good friends," she says while smiling at Daniel. We walk out of the office Daniel showing me to my first class. Suddenly I some hard impact on my shoulder. I get knocked to the ground. I sit on the floor still kind of shocked from what happened just then. Daniel rushed over to me to make sure I was ok. He helps me up, once I'm up I look to see who was the one to knocked me down. I see a male meifwa on the ground looking up at me. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and light blue ears and tail." Oh hi I'm Y/N are you ok," I ask trying to see if he was fine. He looks up at me in shock as if he was surprised by my gesture towards him. "Oh um I'm sorry about that my name is Jackson." He explains to me."I'm sorry I ran into I was in a bit of a hurry to get to class so I was not watching where I was going." When I heard his name I can't help but feel like I know him.

*Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I had no idea how long it would take me to finish chapter 2 but here it is now. I have been busy with Hebrew school, normal school, marching band, and homework. My days are always busy with school or practice so I don't have much free time for wrighting my story but don't worry I will still Wright chapters you will just have to be patient for them. The word count for this chapter is 1015. I hope you like the story bye my sweets.*

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