Headcannons II

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1). Peter is one the youngest Avenger ever. His sister Arya(Arya_McCall) is the youngest Avenger. Peter joined the Avngers at only fifteen years old.

2).Peter has fought into wars within the Spider Verse. One against a group of spiders who wanted to stop Doc oct and another against the goblins of the spider verse.

3). The firsr villian Peter ever fought was Scorpion along side Iron man.

4). Peter is trained in the useage of meelee weapons,range weapons,and fire arms by both his Mother and Uncle Clint.

5). Peter has made six other alter egos just in case something happens to his spider man identity. He uses the names of Ricochet,Hornet,Dusk,Prodigy,Mace, and Agent Nine

 He uses the names of Ricochet,Hornet,Dusk,Prodigy,Mace, and Agent Nine

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Mace suit

Agent nine suit

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Agent nine suit

Agent nine suit

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6). Peter does not like to use guns due to seeing a man get mugged once at gun point when he was only six years old

7). Peter has a secret stash of candy hidden in his room so his siblings can never find it when he is out doing his patrol

8). Peter often tries to act like his other dimensional counter part from the ultimate universe due to wanting to be a good hero

9). Peter secretly sneaks out every night to fight bad guys or to find more information on his birth family

10). Ever since Peter became Spider Man he has tried to manage his time of being a regular teen and being a hero,but often ends up being a hero more often instead of just being a teen.

11). Peter looks up to his older brother Richie(VincentStark) alot when he needs guidence

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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