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*Peter sat in the daily bugel as his co worker Katy had asked him to do an interview while pretending to be spider man*

Katy:Okay Romanoff i will ask you a few questions


Katty:What is your favorite movie?

Star wars or Harry Potter. Hufflepuff rules

Katy: Ok. Do you have any nicknames? mom calls me her baby spi....boy...yeah. and my friends call me Pete or bro

Katy:Ok...what is your greatest fear?

Lossing everyone i care about.....

Katy:*nods* that is scary. Alright moving on. What is your greatest thing you have done in your life?

*smirks and thinks of all the good things done as Spider man* i guess it has to be when i got the Stark internship

Katy:Who is your biggest hero?

Mr.Stark well....actually my Mom is my hero

Katy:Aww little Romanoff looks up to his mommy*smirks*

-_- not cool...

Katy:hehe sorry i couldn't help myself. Ok final question. How do you get all those pictures of Spider man?

Oh...uh...just luck i guess.....

Katy:Uh huh.......well thats all the questions.

*phone buzzes and shows spider symbol*Oh i got to go*runs out of the building and into a alleyway and puts on Spider suit*

Time to go to work*swings away*

-Parker Romanoff Signing off

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