Chapter 2

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Life was better on Planet Exo. Why did they have to be here? The twelve all missed their family.
Kai was packing up for some reason. He had no idea what was happening. Nor did the others back then.
"Why are we going away?" asked Sehun.
"You won't need to know," said the chief. "You will find out in time."
In the spare time, Chanyeol snuck something from the restricted area in the library.
"Who's there?" echoed a voice entering the room.
Chanyeol didn't answer. He was so stunned that he dropped the item he had snuck. He heard loud footsteps. Chanyeol ditched the book, and ran out of the library quietly without anyone noticing. Chanyeol had failed to get the book. It was a book about planets far out in the solar system. One was called Earth. A great blue planet with green splotches of land. He wondered if he would ever even set foot on it, let alone see it in real life.
The twelve met up in the traning room.
"You will be trained for this mission," said the chief.
"Which mission?" D.O said sarcastically. "Oh yeah, the one you haven't bothered to tell us about!"
"Fine," snapped the chief. "If you are going to criticise my acts, you will not be participating in this mission!"
"Whatever!" D.O snapped back. "I didn't want to go anyway."
D.O walked away.
"But, cheif!" Suho said.
"That's enough, Suho. The only way he's coming aboard is if you convince him."
Suho walked after D.O.
D.O was sitting on a bench outside, twiddling his thumbs.
"Hey, D.O," said Suho.
"Hi," D.O replied.
"You gonna continue?" Suho asked.
"Do you think I would?" D.O asked.
"Well, come on, you've got talents!" Suho said.
"Like what?" asked D.O, a little curious.
"You're good at cooking," said Suho.
"So all they're gonna train me up for is to be the chef," mumbled D.O.
"Well, I wouldn't think so," Suho said. "Besides, if you are the chef, you probably won't be alone. Chen is good cook aswell."
"Okay, I'll go," D.O said.
"Good," Suho said.
"You know, you could be the leader of us," said D.O.
"You really think I would be that good?" Suho asked.
The two walked back in.
"So you convinced him!" said the chief, surprised.
Suho nodded.
"Anyway, let's continue," said the chief. "Tao what's your talent."
Tao walked backwards then did a high kick, karate chop and finished of with a backflip.
"Well done," said the chief. "You proved yourself a nicely trained fighter. Next up, Suho waht's you're talent?"
"Making people laugh," said Suho.
The others remained quiet.
"Apparently that might need some training, but it might come in useful someday," said the chief. "You know, I think you should be the leader."
"Should I?" Suho asked.
"Of course you should!" The chief said.
The others agreed.
The twelve went on the spacecraft and left off. This mission might lead to never seeing their families again.

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