Chapter 7

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It was the ninth day of school. The other days inbetween were not that interesting. Lay became a popular basketball player. Tao and Chanyeol had to deal with the student again. Xiumin had also became popular at school. And so on and so forth. The twelve arrived at school.
At lunch Sehun and Lay were playing basketball with the others students. Chanyeol, Luhan, D.O and Chen sat on a bench reading the book. Sehun dribbled the ball, he passed it to a student. The student then passed it to Lay who dribbled past the opponents. Lay jumped up and slam-dunked the ball into the hoop. The opposing team then got the ball after it had landed and dribbled to the other hoop. Sehun intefered the ball and dribbled it. He passed to a student on his team who got intefered by a student on the opposing team. Lay then intefered the ball and passed it to Sehun. Sehun dribbled the ball and then threw it at the hoop. It went straight in. The other student on the team cheered and congratulated him. Sehun intefered the ball and scored.
The afternoon came. Sehun was walking down the street when he saw a girl. She was quite pretty. The girl who was about his age bumped into him.
"Hi," said Sehun. "I'm Sehun."
"Hi," the girl replied. "I saw you playing basketball earlier."
"Yeah," said Sehun.
"Anyway, I better get going," said the girl. "I'll see you later."
The girl walked away. Sehun walked down the street to the park where he was told to go to. He saw the girl with a boy. For some reason Sehun felt a little jealous. He'd be glad to hit the boy. The wind started to blow. The boy grew unsteady and was pushed by the wind into mud. The girl stepped back from the boy, obviously a little disgusted. Sehun had jsut realised what had happened.
"Did I just control the wind?"
It was the afternoon. The twelve had gone to a park. Luhan, Chanyeol, Chen, D.O, Suho and Kai were sitting at a bench reading Chanyeol's book. Sehun, Tao, Xiumin, Lay and Kris played basketball. Lay taught Tao how to do some tricks. After a while the twelve headed home. Whack! They were knocked out.
Kai opened his eyes. He was in some corridor with grey concrete walls. Except there was no roof.
There was no reply. Kai wandered through the corridor. Kai tried to teleport. He couldn't. His powers were gone. The corridor twisted and turned. There were sometimes two or three ways to go. Haven't I been here before? He asked himself. Everything was getting confusing. He then realised he was in a maze.
The others reacted pretty much like Kai did. They wandered around the maze soon realising what they were in. D.O was getting tired. But then he saw it. A small black box. A sign of hope, hovering above him, lowering itself. He grabbed the box. Could it be food? A map to escape the place? He opened the box. Sand. Exactly like the sand beneath him. D.O disappointedly poured the sand onto the ground. He was angry. But something was wrong. The ground wasn't shaking.
Chen lay on the ground. It was hopless. He would never get out of the maze.
Chanyeol searched and searched. He couldn't find the others anywhere. He kept recognising places he had already been.
"Okay so, left, left, right, right-wait, I might've already done that-no I'm sure we go left then a right and-I've already been here!"
Chanyeol sat down thinking. He didn't have his book with him. He couldn't use his powers. Come on, where are you guys? He was trapped in what seemed like an endless maze.
Hello? Can anyone here me? Luhan thought. He had read in Chanyeol's book that they should all be able to use telepathy.
Luhan? Came a reply in his mind. Luhan? Is that you. It's telepathy, right? They reply said.
Yeah Luhan thought Kai, right?
Xiumin The reply said. How do we get out of here?
I don't know Luhan thought.
Hey guys said a different reply It's Chanyeol. We all good?
Yeah Xiumin said.
D.O here said another reply I think I've got the hang of it
Where's our power gone? said a different reply Sorry, Chen here.
Kai speaking said a different reply Or Kai thinking, I don't know.
So what to do? Luhan thought We don't have our powers!
There should be our powers somewhere Chen said.
Suho walked around. He saw a different path. But when he walked forwards, an invisible shield stopped him. Suho punched the shield in anger. He then remembered Chanyeol's book. He took a deep breath and started to think. What he heard was crazy. 6 voices had already started speaking in the telepathy.
Suho here Suho thought Everyone alright?
Yep Kai said.
Hello? Am I doing this right? Kris here said a different voice.
Tao speaking or thinking or something said another voice.
Lay here said another voice.
Sehun said another voice. I'm getting the hang of it.
I think we all are, Sehun said Xiumin.
So now we can use telepathy said D.O.
It had been days in the maze. Kai walked around, using telepathy to communicate with his friends. It was getting a little boring. It seemed the only other person who was up or was using telepathy was Tao and Sehun. Sehun was complaining about food and Tao didn't communicate much. Kai then saw something. Light. It was like Baekhyun's orb of light. Kai reached out and touched it. The light disappeared. Kai felt a tingling sensation. It was overwhelmig. He couldn't control it. Everything went black.

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