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What is love? Is it a feeling? Perhaps it is just a word.
I believe that love is not a feeling, nor do i think it is nonexistent, love is just a state of mind. One of many, in this state of mind we feel the effects slowly growing larger untill it has consumed us entirely, making it seem as though we have gone mad. We feel odd sensations at the touch of the one we love, as if we are being prodded at from our insides, making blood run to are necks and ears, making us go dizzy, making us feel as though we have been intoxicated by the mere grasp of a hand or brush of lips. But we choose to stay in this state of mind, untill, the inevitable decides it is time to tear you out of this mindset, how you may ask? Many ways, death, infidelity, addiction, the list is never-ending. At that we fall into a depressed downfall, weeping over nothing and yelling at no one. We forget how to be, so we do what we know how, and that is fall into the vast abyss that is a broken hear.

If im honest, I'm not sure why I wrote this, but i hope you liked it, anyone who has even read this.

Okay I'll see you later
Stay safe, love yourself, be yourself, and never ever hurt yourself

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