the drowning effect

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How can someone not notice you are drowning when you are right in front of them?
How can someone look me in the eyes and not see I'm drowning in these streets, I gasp for air and flail around but no one sees me. Or maybe they do but they decide to look past it and think it an act?

People need to open there fucking eyes and see its not an act, I'm dying.
No I'm not dying from some incurable sickness. Maybe its better to say I'm being killed, I was throne into a vast and wild ocean without a life vest, and everyone else saw it funny so they helped the wicked ocean in holding my head under the freezing water. In the first moments I am shocked, unable to move, unable to think... So I let them push me further into the chilled dark water, maybe finally they will push me far enough so that I can't get out, and all I can do is wait for my eyes to gloss over unfocused, my limbs to stop struggling, my lungs to stop inhaling the freezing water, and my skin to go hard and cold.

But then someone makes it stop and finally I can breathe. I found my oxygen, until once again I am drowning
This time the one who threw me into the water is the one who saved me last time.

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