Chapter Eleven

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Rin woke up surprisingly early the next morning. After rubbing his eyes, he sighed. It was about 4 am and he was unable to fall back asleep. He slowly wiggled out of Bon's grasps.

The raven took a shower and examined the scars on his body. Usually, he would try not to let them bother him but today they did. Kuro came in and knew right away something was wrong.

What's wrong, Rin?? Kuro jumped on to the bathroom counter.

"Good morning, Kuro. I'm alright. Don't worry about it." Rin threw on a blue sweatshirt. "Let's go for a walk."

Yay! A walk! The demon kitty agreed.

They both set out to a small hill with a tree. Kuro climbed the tree in search for birds, while Rin sat on the ground. He thought about everything. He thought about his father and maybe taking a trip back home. Rin thought about Bon and his friends. He thought about his brother and their childhood.

Kuro eventually snuggled against Rin's lap as the morning progressed. He watched the sunrise, realizing he's been out for way to long. Bon and Yukio would be worried about him. So he slowly walked back to the boys dorm.

"Where in hell have you been, Okumara?!" Bon hugged him unexpectedly.

"I went out for a walk...what's going on?"

"I woke up and you weren't there. No note, no nothing. Your brother just left like an hour ago to find you!"

"I wasn't out for that long! I woke up and took a shower at four then Kuro and I went on a walk."

"Rin, its six fucking o'clock in the morning!"

"Oh...I didn't realize. I was thinking about stuff." Rin shrugged. Oh stop lying to him, Rin. Kuro looked at him. "Shut up."

"Rin, stop talking to the cat and talk to me. Why were you up at four in the morning?" Bon gave his boyfriend a concerned look.

"I woke up. I'm not really sure. I couldn't fall back asleep so I took a shower. I had to clear my mind, so I took a walk."

Yukio walked in, sighing in relief when he saw his brother. "Thank God you are alright."

"I went for a fucking walk! For the love of God!" Rin groaned, throwing his arms up. "Its not that big of a deal."

"You worried us, Okumara! And with the way you've been acting lately, you can't exactly blame us!"

"Stop yelling! Both of you!" Yukio crossed his arms. "Suguro, may I borrow my brother for a few minutes?"

Bon nodded. The raven followed his brother outside. "What is it, Yukio?"

"You've been thinking about dad, haven't you?"

"What? No..." He paused. "Okay, maybe a little bit."

"Talk to me, brother."

"I wanna go home and see everyone. Please Yukio, let me go. I'll take Bon with me or someone." Rin begged.

"Fine." The brother with glasses sighed. "Take Suguro. I trust him. Be back later tonight and you will be making class up."

"Thank you, Yukio! This weekend we can visit dad, promise."

"Don't worry about it, Rin. You're my brother and seeing you sad upsets me."

"Thank you brother. I will make classes up, I swear."

"You better." The brothers hugged it out. "Now go, the train arrives at eight and will take you to True Cross."

"Thank you again, Yukio!" Rin went inside to retrieve his boyfriend. He found him in his room, doing homework. "Bon! Guess what?!"

"Well looks like someone is in a better mood. What is it, Rin?" Suguro set his pencil down, looking at his significant other.

"Yukio said we could visit my home. And you get to come with!" Rin was definitely more happy then this morning.

"Are you sure you want me to come?"

"Yes. Please come. Yukio said we could make up the class, though he was mostly talking about me but that's not the point."

"Okay, we can go. When do we leave?"

"Right now. The train leaves in two hours."

"Oh goodness. Okay, hold on. Let me get my things and we can leave." And with that, the couple waved goodbye to the other Okumara brother. They enjoyed the walked to the train station. Kuro trotting happily beside them, but turned back around. Rin told him to keep his brother company.

(A/n) Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy today's update. It is a little shorter but I'm trying to space everything out. So thank you for reading! Also! 1.12k views, holy shit! That's all you guys, so thank you so damn much! It means so much! Have a good night/day!

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