Chapter Two (Edited)

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True Cross Academy got smaller and smaller as the car pulled away. Staring out the window, Rin was lost in thought. The feelings he felt made zero sense to him, then again he was pretty oblivious. His mind drifted to Bon and the way they shared a rare hug. It was beyond strange to the blue haired demon. "No. I can't possible like him, he's Bon. There is no possible way." He mumbled to him and sighed, staring at the buildings and the people that they passed. Rin must of been acting strange if his brother nudged him. 

"Nii-san? Are you okay? You were mumbling something but I couldn't understand it, and your face is all red." Yukio spoke softly to him, gently laying a hand on his brother's shoulder. He looked at his twin brother with a concerned expression. 

Rin just nodded his head and looked away at the ground. He gripped his sword till his knuckles turned white. With a sigh he released his sword, setting it beside him. "Yeah... Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry." He said softly, however he knew Yukio better. His brother would not be easily convinced. 

 "Rin..." His younger brother mumbled and looked at him. "You can always talk to me. About anything. Just because I'm smarter and younger does not mean I can't give advice. You're my brother. If you're scared, that's good. Everyone gets scared on missions." He adjusted his glasses.

"No." The blue haired demon boy shook his head and sighed softly. "I'm not scared, Yukio. We've been through a lot already." Rin took a hesitant pause and looked at his brother. "It's just... Never mind. It's stupid, extremely and utterly stupid." 

If anyone knew Rin better then himself, it was his younger twin brother. Yukio had a strong feeling his brother was gay, or at bisexual. However, he would never mention anything until his brother was ready. He knew Rin would get angry with him. "Nii-san, is this about Suguro? As your brother, I am perfectly fine with anyone you may or may not have an interest in." He said softly.

"What? Yukio! That is utterly insane! I don't like Bon like that, not even in he slightest. We aren't even friends." Rin had never really stopped to think about his relationship with Bon. He didn't even understand if there were friends or not. "I don't know what he is to me. Is he a friend? Is he a rival? I mean I thought he was a rival at the beginning, but now? I don't even know..." He rambled and sighed. 

"Rin, listen to me brother." Yukio looked at him and put his hand on his shoulder. "I really think you are overthinking it too much, okay? He likes you and you like him. You two are so oblivious to one another. I know you two text each other non-stop and believe me, it's annoying when I'm trying to sleep at night."

Rin looked at his brother and crossed his arms over his chest, slouching slightly in the uncomfortable car seats. "You hardly ever sleep, Yukio. When you do, it's a rare sight. All you ever do is work, grade papers, and prepare stupid lessons that no one cares about." 

"Nii-san, that is not the point I am trying to get across to you. Just listen to me for once in your life, okay?" The brother with glasses sighed at his brother's stupid. "What did Suguro do before you left? What did he do to get you to think like a crazy person?"

Rin looked at the car floor and rubbing his neck. "He hugged me. Then called me an asshole. Then told me to stay safe. He is the most confusing dude in the world." He mumbled softly, telling his brother, even though he had already knew. 

"Exactly my point nii-san. He hugged you. He wants you to return to him safely. He cares about you more then both of you know. What else did he tell you, Rin?" His brother gave him a look of all knowing, like he normally did. 

"What is even the point, Yukio? How does calling me an asshole show that he cares about me? He told me before we left that if I didn't return safely he would kick my ass. He is the most confusing boy in the whole world." Rin rolled his eyes and thought that his brother was crazy for thinking anything that was clearly obvious to him. 

"Why do I even bother with getting involved with your feelings. You, my brother, are an idiot. SA complete and utter idiot." Yukio just sighed and turned back to whatever he was doing before starting his conversation with Rin. 

Rin didn't know what to say next, so he kept his mouth shut. He got lost in his thoughts about Bon and himself. Did I really like that hug that much? I mean of course I did. What... Oh my god. Yukio was right, when is he not correct? I really do like Bon. "You're right... Damn why couldn't I see that. I really do like Bon." He confessed and looked at his younger brother.

Yukio looked at his brother, crossing his arms. "When am I not, Rin?" He asked softly as a rhetorical question. "You have to tell him when he get back home." His brother looked at him seriously. 

"What if he doesn't feel the same way? Or what if he sees me as simply just a friend? What if he just completely hates my guts and that's it." Rin huffed and slouched in his seat, sighing heavily. He highly doubted Bon felt the same way. He was sure Bon only did what he did as a caring friend. 

The younger Okumura brother sighed, rubbing his temples. "Please. Just shut up. You are hurting my head with all your ridiculous questions." He turned to the driver of the car. "Are we almost there, sir?"

The driver nodded. "Yes sir. just a few more minutes." 

"Thank you." Yukio said to the driver and turned his attention back to his brother. "Rin. of course he likes you as well. Why else would he hug you, you idiot. Now please, enough talking about Suguro. We need to focus at the task on hand."

"Okay. Sure. Sorry Yukio." Rin went back to stare out the car window. When the car finally came to a stop, the two brother exited. They were greeted by Shura, Mephisto, and other Exorcists of True Cross. He sighed softly and nodded, not thrilled to see any other the people. He was not liked by any of the other people, since he was in fact a demon. "Fuck this." He mumbled and crossed his arms. Yukio nudged his brother and shook his head, telling Rin to be quiet. 

Mephisto grinned at the two brothers and clapped his hands. "Ah, hello to you Okumura brothers. Thank you for deciding to join us on this mission. Yukio, you are aware of the situation." All Yukio did was nod his head. "Alright! Shall we get started? This demon will not wait for anyone."

"Yes sir." Yukio nodded his head and turned to his brother. "Rin, you're with me and Shura. Please, please stay out if trouble and stay with me at all times. You hear me?" He was beyond concerned for Rin. If anything was going to happen his brother, he would never forgive himself. 

Rin laughed and flashed a grin. "Yes Yukio, obviously. Let's take this son of a bitch down!" He gripped his sword, ready to run into battle with his brother and, unfortunately, Shura. He would have to do his best to ignore the female exorcist who needed to put more clothes on. All Yukio did was nod and led Rin with him. 


 Word Count: 1303

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