I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped when a crew member came in, telling us that there was only 10 more minutes until we were wanted on set.

From behind me I seen Michael, looking as confident and in control as ever as he told his make-up artists what he wanted to be done, and exactly how he wanted it. He did it so effortlessly too, pointing to products and having them do the rest. He didn't look nervous at all... and the sinking feeling in my stomach grew as I realized this was because he was so used to this type of scrutiny. It wasn't his first rodeo, but it was mine. I absentmindedly wondered if there would come a point where I was as confident as he was in these situations... If I would become so comfortable in this type of world that it would be second nature for me to walk into an interview without an ounce of nervousness.

He caught my gaze in his mirror and he smiled secretively, winking, as he blew me a kiss.

I couldn't help but blush, my worries not going away but being pushed back as I smiled softly back and raised my hand mid way, catching the kiss and pressing my closed first against my heart in the reflection of the lit up mirror.

He chuckled, flashing his perfect white teeth as one of his make up artists asked him a question, averting his attention.

I let out a deep breath, closing my eyes as I tried to settle myself.

It's going to be fine, Emily. There's nothing to worry about. I kept telling myself.

Except for the millions of people wanting you to fail, two of which who are probably your parents. My subconscious sneered.

I pushed her out of my head, as I tried to focus on not puking.

"You look stunning." Michael smiled approvingly as we both stood up, ready to go to set.

"Thanks." I breathed, smoothing down the center of the expensive dress.

"Hey," His hand went over my shaking one as he stepped closer. "You're going to do great." He assured me. "Don't be nervous."

"Okay." I breathed, nodding.

"If you want to back out it's not too late." He told me with confidence. "If you say 'Michael, I don't want to do this anymore' we'll pack up our things and go straight back to Neverland - no questions asked." He squeezed me hand. "You'll always have a choice." He reminded me again, drumming the fact into my head. And I realized he wanted me to always know that because he felt like he never really did.

I smiled gratefully at him. "You always make everything sound so tempting."

"It's a gift." He chuckled. "But seriously, do you want to go?"

I shook my head, grabbing his hand as I left all my doubts and fears behind me in the dressing room, and we walked out with security. I knew that with Michael by my side, I could do this.


We sat down in two chairs that sat next to each other, as one lone one sat across from us. It was still hectic as the crew ran around getting all the little things ready, as the make up crew came by to touch up our faces and add more lipstick to my mouth. Another woman came up and began powdering Michael's nose to my left.

"Okay, remember what I said, okay?" Kathy said in a hurry as she stood infront of me. "Be ready to have any question tossed at you, but answer it with poise. No cussing, no mumbling or stuttering, don't take more than 3 seconds to answer a question, and always look her directly in the eyes." She took in a breath, finishing calmly with a smile. "But above all; Don't over think things. You're going to do great!" She said like a proud parent, giving me an air kiss as she scurried off set.

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