Chapter 1

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   He wished to die..I wished to live. Was our love such a tragedy? For I knew that I loved him,Inuyasha. And After all the things he had said to me.. I still loved him. I loved him more than anything. I wished for him to live,for us to be a family..I yearned for it.
   Why does he wish to die? I ask myself everyday, is it because of kikyo- the thing they had long ago? She has been dead for a long time. Years go by and I still wish to be by inuyasha and the gang. Of course I know I couldn't ever go back..I do miss my family but I wish for inuyasha to live. I love him no matter what he is. Human, demon, or a half breed. To me that's what makes him, him.
   I would die with him. Follow him to the ends of the earth. Everywhere I'm he goes I will follow. But answer this for me, why does he want to die?

this book is for all those manga lovers and anime lovers too!

I'll die with youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя