Father! Mcree X Daughter! Reader

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Today was the day your dad was going to finally bring you along on one of his missions.

You were so excited. 

Though, Mcree was really worried.

"I don't want anything to happen," Mcree said, scared.

"I know, Jesse." Mercy replied while getting her equipment ready. 

"What if she gets shot and is wounded?! Or worse!" Mcree shouted, worried.

"She'll be fine, and if something happens call me and I'll be there to help." She packed all of her equipment and was ready.

"I hope your right, doc." Mcree said while walking out with her.

Everyone was ready, you already knew how to handle a weapon and you made sure that you had amour on and everyone else was ready so it was time to leave.

Everyone boarded the ship and when everyone was on and had their seat belts on, it took off.

You were so excited you could barely stay still.

Mcree couldn't sit still either but that was for a different reason, he was nervous.

You noticed and assured him you'd be fine.

The ship landed and everyone headed out to the battle field.

The fight was looking like you'd win, and you were doing pretty good.

The fight was almost over when something went off and all you could see was rubble and dust.

You couldn't see anyone through the greyness and you were worried. 

You tried to look around but ending up tripping and hurt your leg so you couldn't walk.

You didn't want to yell because then that'd give up your position and the enemy could find you.

So, you stayed silent and you couldn't really move anywhere.

You were really worried and wondered if the enemy killed everyone else and just left. 

You hoped that  everyone was still alive and okay.

Your thoughts made you cry, you had no idea what happened to anyone or what was going on.

But most of all, you worried about your dad. You wondered if he was okay and you hoped he was. 

And you couldn't even do anything but sit there and wait.

You felt hopeless but then there was a shadowy figure walking towards you.

You couldn't tell who it was and this alarmed you so you tried to get away but you couldn't go far with an injured leg.

You tried shooting the figure but no bullet came out of your gun.

'Damn, out of ammo.' you thought. 

You just gave up and closed your eyes only to be met with a hug and a worried voice. 

They crouched down to hug you "I thought I lost you!" they cried.

You opened your eyes and realized it was your dad.

You slowly started to cry and hugged back.

"I was so worried!" you stuttered trying not to cry.

"It's okay, I got you." he said comfortingly.

"What happened?!," you asked "is everyone okay?"

"I don't know what happened," he replied, "but everyone is okay and we won."

You felt relieved and happy.

You tried standing up but winced as you felt pain in your leg.

"You okay, darling?" Mcree asked while standing up.

"No, I hurt my leg and I can't walk..."

He picked you up and carried you back to the ship.

"Thanks, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, kid. You did good."

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