Chapter 7

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Bob PoV

I watched as mark lowered his gaze from the window, The expression on his face going grim. "I'll tell you later bob... (Wheeze, Cause I have to figure out what said thing issss)I need abit more time to process what happened." Mark muttered to me as he stood from the bed, Gently rubbing his arm. "Alright mark... Just don't hurt youself about it until then ok?" I gently touched his shoulder once again and gave a calm smile.

Mark PoV

I don't think they need to know about what I saw yet... Heck, Even I the alpha (Roll credits) am struggling to handle it. "I'm going to play with Jack for abit I guess if it makes you feel better." I stood glancing over at bob and giving him a dull smile, Turning and making my way out my room door and down the hallway towards the sounds of Jack being.. Well, Jack, Screaming loudly about anything.

I stopped behind the couch and smirked. "Jack your being to loud.. your gonna wake up the forest, Though I'm sure you don't care hm?" I watched as Jack glanced up at me then back at the game. "Well I'm sorry that your people can't handle a Irishmens screaming." Jack chuckled at me getting back to his game.

After watching Jack do his thing I sighed with content. "Mind if we play something together Jackieboy? I'm getting bored watching you be emotional with a game." I gently poked Jacks cheek. "But I dun wanna right noww!" Jack complained now trying to rush. "Jackkk!" I playfully grabbed the remote from him.

Jack PoV

I huffed and quickly tried to snatch the remote back. "Mark give it back! I'm at the best part!" I groaned reaching behind the couch as mark raised his arm higher. "Mark I can easily stand up and get it from you! Your not that much taller then me!"

"Ya but I sure am stronger."

"That doesn't mean anything mark!"

"Then prove it Jackieboy."

I quickly stood up at Marks challenge. "Your on mark!" I snickered quickly jumping over the couch and going after mark. Cry watching from the kitchen holding a cup of water. "Well then." Cry would mutter trying to hold back his laughter. "Cry go do your weird stuff and leave us be!" I would shout at Cry while I tried to pry the remote from Mark's hands.

"Fine mark I'll play..jeez." I crossed my arms in defeat as mark snickered, Chuckling gently. "Good to hear, Come on tell me whatcha wanna play." Mark would ask, Which I was going to reply when my phone started to ring. "Hold up mark, I gotta take this." I pulled out my phone to see it was Kevin. "I'll be back in a sec mark." I turned and went outside, Awnsering the phone. "Yes Kevin? What do you need? This better not be about those werewolves again..." I sighed, He's be Been this and that about werewolves, It has gotten annoying over the years.. I remeber when he never even brought them up! "Jack, It is about the werewolves but wait! Dont hang up and hear me out.. I have proof.. I have a hole plan to find the rest of the pack, Please join me this time.. You won't regret it I swear.." I could hear Kevin's excitement over the phone. "Alright Kevin.. I'll think about it.. When does this 'Plan' Go down?"

"It happens in three weeks."

"Three weeks? Why then?"

"Cause.. We haven't completely found where they are.. Plus, Last time we took them out they hit us pretty hard..We need time to recover and gather supplies."

"Alright then Kevin.. I'll be there.." I hungup the phone, Groaning and hold my head. "Damn it Kevin..What is with you and these werewolves... they don't exist.." I muttered, Closing my eye's and letting the sound of the forest surround me.

(I'll fix this up abit later, Just wanted to get this out so yall know I'm not dead I guess)

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