Chapter 3

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Okay guys!!!!!!!! Here is the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget...




And i will love you forever if you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blake. Why won't he get out of my mind? I only met him yesterday, but I feel as if I have known him forever. I hope he will come back today, but I couldn't tell if he was actually interested in coming back or if he was just being polite. After not seeing anyone for so long, him showing up has been the highlight of my year, I haven't been this happy in such a long time. It would be nice to have a real friend, instead of just the gross cashier.

Even before that fire killed my parents, I had never been this happy, I never had a reason to be. If Blake comes, I better at least look somewhat decent. I ran upstairs and into my room where I had clothes of all kinds, skirts, dresses, shirts, pants, shoes, you name it I have it. I decided not to wear anything too special, just a pair of rolled up jeans and a light pink tank top. When I feel as though I look okay I move to my makeup counter. I put on a thin line of black eyeliner and decided on a small swipe of silver eye shadow to compliment my pale blue eyes in hopes to fix my zombie looking face.

Just as I was finishing up I heard a knock on the door, just as I had been dreaming of all morning. My heart beat began to quicken, except this did not happen only because I was anxious, but also because I was excited. I ran down stairs at a scary fast speed, almost running into the wall at the bottom and swung around the banister. I knew Blake was on the other side of the door and I was so excited to see him again.

Blake was one of the only few people in my life who was interested in talking to me. Even before the fire no one wanted to spend time with me, or even have any sort of conversation. I don't consider myself ugly. Maybe there was something else wrong with me.

I was so nervous around him, not only because he was one of the first boys I've talked to in a long time, but also because he was really attractive. "Hello!" I said happily, opening the door to see Blake standing there with his hands in his jean's pockets. He looked as good at the day before, if not, better.

"Hi" Blake replied in his deep, sexy voice.

"How have you been?" I asked sweetly before letting him inside.

"Not too bad, how about you?"

"Well, other than nearly being choked to death this morning, I'm okay." I said under my breath.

"What" he asked trying to figure out what I had said.

"Nothing" I answered looking down as I blushed.

"Wait, what happened?" Blake said sounding so confused as he realized what I had said about being choked.

"Okay, this is going to sound absolutely crazy and I understand if you don't believe a word I say--"

Blake cut me off before I could even finish my sentence, "I promise to believe every word of it."

"Well it started when I was 13, there was a huge fire, as you probably can tell, and both of my parents were killed, and unlike everyone thinks, I wasn't. I was hiding away in the woods behind the house when help finally came. I was completely unaware that anyone had even shown up. The day after they died, weird things started happening. I would put something down somewhere and it would end up somewhere else. It was nothing too bad, just strange. After a couple of months, though, I started having these nightmares, everyone was similar, but no two have ever been exactly the same. I remember the first one clearly, I woke up and went to grab something to eat in the fridge, there was this beautiful but horrifying lady in the room with me. She motioned to the top of the fridge, and when I turned around to see what she was pointing at  a knife swinging down towards me and then I woke up. Scared of the dream I stayed in bed for a while but then I went down stairs for breakfast, I hesitated before the fridge, but then deciding that I was being ridiculous, I opened the fridge door. I saw HER reflection in the fridge, I turned around and saw her mimicking the movement she did in my dream. I turned around and the knife was there, and once again. I barely had time to duck before it swung right over my head." I took a deep breath and wondered if I should continue telling this story. Would this put Blake in danger as well?

He nodded with a worried expression for me to continue telling him about HER.

"Those dreams have happened to me every night since then, and they come true every morning. Luckily, I haven't been seriously hurt or even killed yet, but I know that SHE is capable of killing me when ever SHE wants, and whoever SHE is is waiting for the right time to do so. Every day I wake up knowing it may be my last, but all that happens is I get shaken up."

"I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't think so, I wouldn't want to put you in danger." I say looking into his eyes. "I feel as though by telling you this I have put you in danger already."

"I would do anything to help stop those dreams, you shouldn't have to deal with things like that, especially not every day."

"Thank you, but I can't ask that of you."

After awhile longer Blake and I went outside and just walked through the gardens peacefully. They were very overgrown, but still beautiful. We talked about many things such as school, well, he talked about school and I told him what it was like living alone in such a big house. We talked like this for hours.

As it started to get dark I led him over to the spot my father and I used to stargaze from. As we were laying in silence, Blake gently reached over and took my hand in his. I had never held hands with a boy other than my father when I was a little girl, and now I was holding hands with an amazing guy who gives me butterflies every time I hear his voice. I wonder to myself if this is what it feels like to have a crush... a crush sounds childish, but I don't know what other word to use to describe how I feel.

I begin to worry about him telling his friends back at home about me. I don't want anyone to know about me being alive because I am worried that SHE will come for me if I try to get help. 

It's not like I can reverse this now, so I might as well enjoy having Blake's company while I can. It began to get really late and Blake said he had to go, I walked him to the front door, pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead, telling me to stay safe and that he would see me in a few days. With that, he disappeared out the door and into the darkness.


Its been forever since I have wrote anything and I really need some ideas. If anyone would like to help me out that would be great, but I know that no one reads this anymore.

I'm trying to get back into the game so...




Hippo hugs and don't be so ratchet! ~HMM and ERF

In Your Dreams (Watty Awards 2012)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن