Seducing Amy

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Author's note: This work is completely fiction and the sole property of the author and is not allowed to be copied or reproduced in any form without permission. Any resemblances to people, places, or events are completely coincidental.

This is a girl girl story that does contain vivid depictions of sexual acts so if you are easily offended by that please don't read. For the rest I hope you enjoy. 


Seducing Amy- A GirlxGirl Discovery


"Come on Amy I'm starving lets go out." My roommate Stephanie whines for what feels like the twelve hundredth time.

"This shit is yours Stephanie. You should care more about packing it away than going out; you know your parents are coming early."

"Of course I care" she replies with a complete lack of interest in her tone as she throws the clothes she was supposed to be folding for the last hour aside "but it's our last day here and Dante's having a party in his room." I just roll my eyes at that. Now I'm definitely not interested in going anywhere. Dante's a jerk. A popular dumb jock jerk in my opinion and I have no idea how someone as fun, amazing, and loving as Stephanie could be best friends with such a person. Seeing my reaction Stephanie crawls across our littered carpet until she reaches me and snuggles into my lap. She's such an affectionate person. Like a new puppy she has a tendency to climb and lay all over you. This is my problem.

I'm in love with my roommate and best friend. I was ecstatic to be leaving my controlling parents and the abyss that was homeschooling for this fancy boarding school clear across the country. Stephanie helped me through the culture shock and introduced me around. We were complete opposites. She was an overly cheerful green eyed blonde ex volleyball player and I was just plain old me. I know I wasn't ugly. In fact I been told I was cute but at 5'1' and being a skinny pale red head I never came close to being as beautiful as she was. When I started to dream of her and waking up hot, wet and aching I knew I was falling for her.

She wiggles around until she can wrap her arms around my neck and while I'm trying to not let any of the heat I feel coursing through my body show she whispers enticingly in my ear" There's gonna be pizza" As if I could even think about food with her pulling me closer to her. Sometimes I think she know the effect she has on me. "And beer" god she's so beautiful I think as I stare into her green eyes "and all the hottest..." I stop her before she can even finish the sentence by nudging her off my lap and getting to my feet.

"I don't want to meet any "hot" guys tonight Stephanie. I'm going home tomorrow so next year will be a much better time for that." I'm lying to her but I just can't bring myself to come out to her. What if things change; I'd hate it here if she was no longer by my side. Just thinking about how long and lonely my summer will feel without her makes me depressed. My shoulders slump but I have to smile at the pout she is giving me. Adorable and hot at the same time. I want to cover them with my own and see if they are as soft as they look. Instead I lean down and rub my hand against her face. She snuggles into my palm making me inhale quickly and yank my hands away just as fast with a fierce blush covering my body. Damn this red headed complexion I think as I hurry to gather my shower things and mumble to her over my shoulder as I'm leaving "go and have fun Steph. I'm Um gonna go shower then clean the rest of this up before heading off to bed." I force a weak smile as I slam the door on her frowning face.


I close my eyes and try to stop the tears that are trying to fall. It's our last night and she doesn't even want to spend it with me. I climb up on her bed and grab the teddy bear she brought with her from home. The one that she loved so much because her favorite brother gave it to her before going off to war. The one that smelled so much like her. I bury my face in the bear's fur and try to block out all the resentment and sadness I was feeling. It wasn't her fault after all. She had no idea how I felt for her and no one here even knew I was a lesbian except for Dante. I've started to tell her so many times but I always seem to have a mild heart attack. Rolling over I stare at the pictures of her family that she has on the ceiling over the bed. I grinned at the one of her and her older brother. They just looked so much alike with their red hair covered by straw hats and baggy overalls dwarfing their skinny frames. I tease her constantly about being an honest to god farm girl in this day and age, but I love her that way really. Cute honest and the only person I've ever been in love with. Before I can work myself up again my phone rings and I smile when I see its Dante.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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