Chapter 1

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Sara POV

I sitting at my desk waiting for the bell to ring. School was so boring but if I wanted to go to collage I had to go. I just want to go home right now everyone is talking while my friends are asking me what was wrong.

"Sara stop staring at him. He has a girlfriend" faith said.

Faith was my best friend.

The 'him' she is talking about is Michael Clifford. I have a crush on him but I am trying to get ride of it cause he has a girlfriend.

"Sorry, what" I said.

"Girl,you like him to much if Taylor finds out you like him she will flip" faith said.

Taylor was my friend, she was the girl dating Michael.

I saw Taylor get up and walk over to us.

"Hey guys! Do you want to hang with Michael and me today we are going to the mall!" she said.

"Sure, Sara?" faith said.

"YAS, I mean ya sure" I said.

"Yeah! I will tell him!" she said.

I watched her talk to me him. He was happy. Taylor was happy. Faith was trying to get her man. Me I was never getting my man.

The door opened and Faith fell off her chair.

"Hi Ashton" Faith said.

"Hey Faith, why are you on the ground" he said sitting next to her and me.

"No reason" she said.

If you couldn't tell Faith has a huge crush on Ashton. He like my best best friend I knew since I was 2. He is like my bigger brother I never had.

"Hey sis" he said laughing.

"Hey bro" I said punching his shoulder making he laugh.

"So how's this thing with Taylor and Michael going" Ashton asked.

"Good" Faith said.

"I hate it all I wish she didn't like him" I mumbled but Ashton and Faith heard it cause they started laughing.

The bell ringed and I ran outside. I didn't wait for them. The wind blew through my hair. I felt someone poke me and I turned around.

"Michael, hey umm what's up" I said.

"Nothing I just have no one to walk with home and you live by me" he said.

"Oh ok, come on" I said walking home with Michael.

When I got to my house I stopped.

Why are there cops and firetrucks at my house!

Michael looked at me I had tears in my eyes.

Both of us ran up.

"You can't go past here" the cop said.

"MOVE I live here, Michael please come with me" I said.

He nodded.

I ran in my house.

Seeing my mum on the ground.

She was gone.


Hehe first chapter wow I like this story already!!!

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