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    (I only own my ocs)

On a typical cold, windy day in the ice age everything went like a normal day, except my life which I was running for.
     Well it's a long story which started with a saber who was chasing a little weasel. And how typical of me that I ran to save the kit since once I went through the same in that age, except that no one came to my rescue.
I had one big luck on that day when I kcnocked out one of the saber's tooth with a stone, and the saber ran away in pain. I made a pretty knife from that tooth.
    I held my knife tight while I was running from the saber. Suddenly it started to snowing, and the wind was stronger than before. It was hard to see anything.
I could feel that the saber was closer.
I could hear his footsteps.
Suddenly I slipped on something and fell to the ground. It didn't take a moment for me to realize I was on ice.
   "This is the end weasel!" - The saber said. He was standing in front of me.
I quickly stood up and tried to run, but he attacked me. His claws slashed at my back and my right arm. I yelled in pain.
And suddenly the ice cracked under us. My eyes widened.
    "Just great! What's the better: being a saber's snack or die from the cold water knowing that I CAN'T swim?!"
   I thought.
Then we both fell into the water, but luckily I could stab my knife into the edge of the ice so I quickly climbed out of the water, and very CAREFULLY tried to walk farther from the water. When I thought I was in safe now, the saber climbed out from the water. I gasped and hid behind a tree.
  " Don't think that it's over! I will find you saber killer!"- He shouted.
Yeah I really missed my 'nickname', but I stil don't understand why do they call me 'killer'? I just knocked out one of his teeth. I didn't kill him!
    The saber walked away. And I did the same.
Two hours passed since I escaped from the saber. I was freezing.
It was hard to move any steps or to see anything in that blizzard.
  It's just like the day when I lost my parents. I still wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares and with tears in my eyes. In those times I always took my blue shell necklace into my paws and just watching it. I got it from my mother on that night  when the firestorm happened. Or I just open the shell and watching the bracelet which I got from an old friend when we were kits.
Then a memory came into my mind.


I was crying behind a tree.
I heard footsteps. I quickly stood up and ran to the direction where the noises came from with hope.
But my smile dropped when I saw another pair of weasels insted of my parents. They ran to me.
   " Are you alright sweetheart?" - The she-weasel asked me.
I only shook my head and sobbed.
  "Did your family or anyone survive the firestorm?" - the other weasel asked.
I started crying. The she-weasel kneeld down to me, hugged me tight and whispered reasuring words to me.
  "Who's she?" - I heard another kit's voice. He had a little British accent just like his father.
I looked up and see another little weasel climbed down from his father's back. He had blue eyes, his fur was just like mine, but he had spots on his.
He also had a little underbite.
  "I'm Re-Rebeca".- I said shyly between sobs.
  He walked to me and started to sniff me. I giggled a bit.
  "Buckminster where's your manner!"

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