Meet the crazy, one-eyed weasel

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   I coughed and breathed deep as I slowly opened my eyes.
Then my eyes met with an another single blue eye. He was a weasel too.
  He wore an eyepatch. His fur was the same as mein except the spots and that my fur was a bit more reddish than his because it grew more reddish during my childhood.
  And his underbite...this weasel was too familiar from somewhere.
Who is he?
"Are ya alright?"-He asked.
"Y-yes."-I answered and looked around to see where was I. I was near that lake which I fell into. Then I remembered what happened. "He saved me?"
  But then I noticed his knife with mein! And with that I lost my trust.
I never liked the thought of seeing my knife in someone other's hand. Not when that someone had a knife too.
"My knkfe!"- I whispered.
Suprised he looked down at my knife. Before he could say anything I quickly kicked him away from me and took my knife out of his hand and pressed it to his neck.
"Who are you and where am I?"- I asked him in a warning tone. 
"Calm down lass I won' harm ya!"- He said and ed his paws up.
"I asked something."
"Oh just lower that knife! Ya shoud be thankful after that I saved your life.You were very lucky that I decided to come back down 'ere."-
I hesitated a bit but then I lowered my knife.
"Well he saved my life. Why should I not trust him?"
"So? Where am I?"
"You're in an underworld. And as you can see dinosauros are not extinct. And to answer your first question I'm Buck. Short for Bucminster."-He said with a grin.
"What a faboulos name"-I thought.
"Well my turn. Whot's yer name?"
"Becky. It's short for Rebecca."
"And how did ya ended up 'ere? "
"Well it's hard to answer it. I was about to find a place where I can hide from a snowstorm and when I found myself freefalling.
"And wot happened to ya? Your scars are too small to got it from a raptor.
"Theese are from sabers...wait!
How do you know that I had an accident with thoose toothy beasts?"
"I saw them searching for somethin' as I came to help that someone who was screaming for help."-
At the end of that sentence I was a little embarassed.
"They were very furious. Wot did ya do to them? "
"I hit them down with a branch."- He didn't say anything just stared at me with his single wide eye.
I hissed in pain as I forgot about my ankle when I pressed pressure on it.
"I think you're not as fine as ya said before."
"I just sprained my ankle when I fell down here."
"I help ya to bandage your scars and your ankle but first we'll have to find a safety place. It's gettin' dark."


   Buck made a campfire and helped me to bandage my scars.
He told me his story about how he lost his eye and how he met with a weird herd which is his friend. He also told me a story about his adopted 'daughter' who was a pumpkin. But when he found her family he had to gave her back to her parents.
"And what 'bout you? "
"What about me?"
"How did you get your knife?"
"Oh! It's a long story. It happened years ago. "

I was playing with my childhood friend, Buckminster hide and seek. We were best friends.
But on that day everything changed.
-There you are!-I said as I FINNALY found him. He was very good at it.
"I can tell that you were better this time. It took only 30 minutes to find me."- I stretched out my tongue at him.
Then we heard some noises behind the trees. We turned around.
A saber came out from the shadows.
" Your mother didn't teach you to don't go too far from home when you're playing?"- Asked the saber.
"Run!"- Buckminster shouted.
The saber ran after us.
When the saber was about to chase him, I quickly grabbed a stone and threw it to the saber's jaw.
It knocked out one of his teeth.
  He roared in pain and started to catch me. He slashed at my back and my shoulder on the left side as I started to climb on the nearest tree.
I cried in pain but for my luck I didn't fall back.
  I stayed on a higher branch until the saber walked away.
I climbed down and noticed the tooth in the snow. I took it in my hands.
I was about to go back but other weasels who had seen the whole sceen didn't let me stay near to them.
They said I must be insane and dangerous.
   I never met with my friend again.

"I never saw him again, and after the attack the other parents didn't let me playing with their children.
I had to grew up alone.-I finished the story. I could feel a tear was rolling down on my cheek. Buck stared me in shock.
"And your parents?"
"They died in a firestorm three monthes before the the attack."-I said almost crying.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You didn't know."-I said as I wiped away my tears.
"I lost my friend too in a saber attack when I was a kit. She was my best friend. I have to admit that I loved her a bit even thought we were only little kits."-He chuckled but then his smile dropped as he thought back of the memory.
"She had the same beautiful eye colour just like you."-
  We were in silence for a moment.
"I think we should take some shut eye. It's late. G'night Beck. "
"Goodnight Buck."
   Before I close my eyes I thought abaut Buck's friend. Then I realized something. I knew why was he so familiar to me.
"No it's impossible. It's only a coincidence. He can't be HIM!"

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