25 (End)

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Get ready for confusion people cause I don't know how to end this properly.

Delirious' pov
I shot up in bet, a yelp leaving my lips as my eyes darted around the room. I tried to steady my breath as my brain ran through the events I had just dreamed. All of it... a dream. Back to back dreams that seemed to link together in a way. But how?

I hadn't realized I was crying until a gentle hand rested on my shoulder and a soft finger wiped away the salty liquid that ran down my face. I looked up to see the outline of a figure in the dark, instantly knowing who it was.

"M-mom?" (Darn American language XD) I stuttered out, my voice shaking as my body trembled.

"It's okay Jonny. It was just a nightmare," she said softly. But was it? It mostly felt like a dream, only being a nightmare in a few places. But above all, it was confusing.

"A dream...," I whispered but she couldn't hear me from how quiet I was. She simply pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back, calming me down. I began to think of what had happened in the dream.

My friends, I saw them how I do now at first. Close together and having fun. Then I saw how I feared would happened when going to high-school. I was afraid we'd drift apart and find new friends, forgetting about each other.

Luke and Evan. My best friends. I saw them as more at first, then not really as close after. Was it me just drifting from them as well from the close relationship we had now to just close friends? Was I afraid I was going to lose them?

My medication. The anti depressants I take now. They were something else in the first dream but the same in the second. And my mask, I would still wear it. I probably always will. I was self conscious on how people thought I looks so covered up my face.

The time I fainted in the first dream. It must have been me kinda waking up but not fully as I fell asleep again and the second dream started. And me killing someone then inky hurting them, was that just me over thinking the rumors going around after I almost put a kid in hospital when they tried to take my mask off?

I was even trying to figure out what was happening in my dream, as if I knew they weren't real since the first one was still fresh in my mind during the second one? Maybe, it does kinda make sense in a way. But it's still confusing.

"You feeling better sweetie?" My mother said as she pulled away. I smiled and gave a nod, he beautiful face showing more as the sun began to shine through my window. "Good. Now you may as well get ready for school."

She got up and left and as soon as she was gone my smile fell. She was an amazing mother for being a single parent. My father was always away and never seemed to call. I don't even know what he looks like since there isn't any photos. Mom says he comes back for a few hours at time when we're at friends or at school. I just think he left us.

Maybe that's why he wore a mask in my first dream and didn't speak. Cause I don't know what he looks or sounds like. And he was gone in the second dream. Do I miss having a father? Yeah, I miss that second parent in my life. All the other kids talking about having dads and their parents being happy together. I guess I was just jealous.

With my dreams still fluttering around in my mind I got up and started getting ready. Putting on some clean jeans and my amazing blue hoodie. I never left the house without it. I ran my fingers through my short messy hair to sorta fix it a little before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Mom had cooked up omelets and they were delicious. I brushed my teeth and got my bag ready before deciding to head to school early, grabbing my phone and earphones and headed out the house. I gave mom a quick wave goodbye as I adjusted my mask over my face.

The sky had become a light gray and it looked like it might rain soon. It brought a calmness to me. Sunny days were just too hot in my opinion. I liked the clouds and cool breeze that would come with them.

"Delirious!" I turned around when I heard my name being called to see Luke and Evan running up to me. I smiled and slowed my pace to let them catch up.

"Hey man. You feeling okay?" Evan asked and I smiled.

"Yeah. It's cloudy," I said, as if that was the only reason I felt happy.

"It is. It's gonna be a good day today," Luke said, a smile forming on his own face.

"Clouds always bring peaceful days in my opinion," Evan said, voicing my thoughts.

"I hope it rains. I want to walk into class soaking and get the floors all wet to annoy the teachers," Luke said with a mischievous grin.

"Even if it does we'd still find a way to annoy our teachers. We always do," Evan said making us laugh.

"I haven't heard your plans for today Del. What do you want to do?" Luke asked after a moment of silence. I was quiet for a moment, thinking his question over as my dreams flashed in the back of my mind.

"I just want to enjoy myself," I said, a small smile resting on my face. 

"Yeah. First day of high school. Are we ready to start the next few years of hard work and drama?" Evan asked.

"Hell yeah. Bitches better watch out for us cause we gonna rule this school!" Luke cheered. I was silent as my dreams flashed through my head again and I knew. I knew I was ready for whatever this place had to throw at me.

"Yeah. Bring it on."

High school troubles (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now