Chapter 36: Don't Celebrate

Start from the beginning

At the end, just as Melody hands me my first gift, grandmother stands up and smooths her expensive green and red dress. 

"I hope you haven't forgotten about my present," She sniffles. 

"Of course not, mother," Aunt Sue hurriedly says. "You know teenagers - they always get carried away. What's your presents?" 

"Hmph," Grandmother says and then, hands Melody a small package. "Here you go, darling." 

Bettie rips it open slowly, as if she doesn't really want to see what's inside. Knowing grandmother, it might be a mini, ultra-Conservative version of the Bible or something. But it's not. 

They're car keys. 

Both Bettie's and my mouths drop in union. 

"Oh my god," Bettie says, holding the keys up in the air.

"I thought appreciate that as a reward after all you did this year." Grandmother says. 

Aunt Sue looks like she's about to explode out of pure joy. My mom, on the other hands, is even grumpier than before, sitting on the couch with both her arms and legs crossed. Dad has his chin on his hand, seemingly done with the family drama between the three of them. 

"What did you get Peyton?" Melody asks. "Another car, too." 

"Of course not. How much money do you think I have?" Grandmother leans back in her seat and throws an envelope at me. "Children these days are so spoiled. They think money just grows on trees." 

Melody and James share an annoyed look. 

I rip open the envelope. She's gotten me a twenty dollar bill and a Christmas card. Although I wasn't expecting much from her, my heart sinks in disappointment. 

Bettie seems a little uncomfortable. 

"I didn't know if you'd be responsible enough for a car," Grandmother says. "So, I gave you something that wouldn't get you into too much trouble."

"Gee, thanks, grandmother," I say. "This'll buy me some good cocaine." 

Three hands smack my head. 

Grandmother's face turns red. 

Mom shoves another present towards me before I can cause any more damage and another holiday disaster. My aunt and uncle got me a gift card to a Starbucks nearby. I thank them and put the card in my back pocket, even though I'm not the biggest fan of coffee. Bettie's present is a bunch of animal squeaky toys. 

"What is this?" I blurt out. James and Melody burst into laughter. "Do I look like a baby to you?" 

"You act like one sometimes," Bettie says. "Besides, you'll like these animals. Try squeezing one of them." 

I squeeze the cutest one - a chubby pig - first. 

It oinks. Then, I squeeze the cow.

It moos.

"Alright," I say, and let a tiny smile appear on my face. "I guess that it isn't that bad." 

Bettie shakes her head, but she's smiling too. 

"Our turn!" Melody says. "James is bringing it out right now. All of us, including mom and dad, pitched in to get it for you." 

We turn around as James rolls my present in with a wagon. 

It's a tank. With a fish.  


Two fishes. 

I scream when I first see it and nearly trip over my own socks, trying to get up. The fishes are both Black Skirt Tetras that swim peacefully in large tank complete with a mini castle and fake plants. I crouch down next to fish tank and stare. 

"I promised you I'd get you a pet, didn't I?" Dad says, smiling at my reaction. 

"This is best present ever," I whisper, touching the tank. "I love Blackie and Darkie so much." 

Melody has to drag me away from this fish tank so that I can open Archer's presents. He's gotten me a couple of them that go together - a pair of binoculars, a bird-watching book, a scrapbook to record my birds in and a framed picture of a bear cub that he says looks like me. 

It's stupid. 

But I'm going to put them all up in my room anyways. 

The rest of the family opens up their presents next. James nearly tears up when he sees the miniature football field Melody and I got him. 

Then, the doorbell rings. 

"Peyton, will you get that?" Mom asks. 

"I'm busy," I say, trying to use the binoculars to watch Blackie more closely. All I'm getting is a big blur. 

Mom sighs. "Bettie?" 

"Sure," She gets up and swings open the door. "Oh, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Raine. Hey Archer." 

"Hey Bettie. Merry Christmas!" Archer says. The sound of his voice nearly makes my heart skip a beat, especially considering what happened yesterday, but looking at beautiful fish makes me calm down. 

"I see you like your present," Archer sits down besides my present. "Although, I'm not sure if that's the right way you use it." 

I use the binoculars to look at him. And even though, everything is gray blob, I say. "Wow, your eyes are even grayer up close." 

He laughs. "I liked your presents too. I named the teddy bear Charles." 

I got Archer a couple of art supplies for Christmas, a teddy bear that looks exactly like Charlotte with a note that says Now that you have your own teddy bear, you can stop cuddling with mine. 

"That's a good name," I say. "I named my fish Blackie and Darkie." 

Archer grabs my binoculars and lowers them down. I blink in the light and try to notice how good Archer looks in a Christmas sweater. He has Charles under his arms and the familiar smile on his face. 

"You named your fish Blackie and Darkie?" 


"Those are the stupidest names I ever heard." 

"Well, I'm their mother," I sniff. "So I can name them whatever I want to." 

"You gave birth to the fish?" 

I roll my eyes. Archer laughs again and scoots closer to me. "Merry Christmas, Peyton." 

"Merry Christmas, Archer." 

- () - 

Sometimes I laugh at some of the jokes I write. I'm just so funny sometimes. 

Next Chapter: Plan D


(Crackers is dressed up as Owl from Winnie the Pooh for Halloween. Can you tell?)

This chapter's dedication goes to user55606392, mallorycollette, tayrayne, Nagisa_Wendy, unrealistic-dreams, Sarcastic_Childxxx, and Alviiiiiiis. 

Thanks for reading!

QotC: Do you guys have any questions? About the story? About Peyton/Archer?

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