Chapter 26 - The Power Within

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Natsu stood up afterwards. "Breaking things just happens to be Fairy Tail wizards' specialty. Natsu engulfs his right hand in a huge ball of fire. "I'm fired up! More than I've ever been!"

"It's over Jellal! You can't win!" Roxas yelled as blue fire spun around him in a aura.

Jellal had a shocked expression on his face that was mixed with rage as he was surrounded in a bright yellow outline. "You little brats!" He got in a fighting stance while staring down Roxas and Natsu.


Meanwhile out in the sea. The others were still in Juvia's Water Lock and looking at the tower. "I wonder if Roxas and the others are alright." Lucy asked.

"They'll be alright. They are Fairy Tail wizards." Happy reminded.

"Plus, Whiskers is powerful, and Pyro, well he's destructive as all hell. They are totally getting out of there alive, and they'll save Erza too." Ariel confidently said.


Thunder was heard clapping in the sky as the top of the tower came into view. "You stupid brats! I'll send you to Hell regretting the fact that you ever stood up again!" Jellal yelled.

Natsu chuckled. "One thing I know is that I can be really stubborn." Natsu gave a smirk.

"I'll make sure you pay for everything you have done Jellal!" Roxas threatened.

Jellal quickly outstretched his left hand and held it with his right arm. He shot balls of bright yellow light with tails towards both Natsu and Roxas.

Both of them were able to dodge some of them and when three were speeding to Roxas, he spun and engulfed his arm in blue fire that blocked the beams of light from hitting him. Jellal saw the flames speed to him and they created an explosion after they hit. Natsu jumped high into the air to cause a huge impact to Jellal. "Bring it!" Natsu yelled as he fell towards his target, but Jellal countered by blasting an electric energy which engulfed the Dragon Slayer but he landed on his feet as the dug along the floor. When he stopped Jellal shot another huge ball of bright yellow energy to Natsu. Roxas stepped in front of Natsu and shot a blast of blue flames, the energy blast burst through the blast and engulfed both of them as it was pushing them away from Jellal.

Erza slowly regained consciousness and saw what was happening. Both Roxas and Natsu were trying to stop the blast that was already pushing them back. "Natsu! Roxas!" Erza worriedly yelled. Natsu increased his strength and made the energy beam explode in front of them without causing harm. Jellal was surprised.

"What's wrong? Is that all you got?!" Natsu asked. "You're scared of breakin' the tower, so you're holding back. That ain't gonna work on me bub!" Natsu yelled as he started running towards Jellal.

"You ain't gonna talk so big for long, you brat!" he outstretched his left palm and shot a bright yellow energy beam at Natsu which sent him flying. What he didn't see was Roxas speeding towards him and his fist was engulfed in blue-fire. He performed a battle cry to let Jellal know he was coming. "You're not as powerful as you think you are, punk!" Jellal angrily said. "Meteor!" He surrounded himself in the yellow outline and Roxas's attack missed. He quickly felt the air Jellal was producing when he appeared behind him. Roxas raised his arms to block Jellal's kick but it only shot him backwards.

"Damn you!" Roxas jumped back and threw his fists forwards, causing another shockwave to speed towards Jellal, instinctively he avoided it allowing Roxas to get close. He threw a punch at his face which made Jellal slide back, but Jellal blasted a bright beam of light at Roxas which forced him to slam into the other side of the tower ceiling.

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