T W E N T Y / F I V E

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Taehyung wanted to be fearless, a person who'd never give a fuck about what others thought of him. He tried to be this kind of person, and he may have tricked some people into believing him to be a cold & casual person while in reality he was the total opposite.

As a child he was often seen as a crybaby by many members of him family. Even though most people disapproved of his luminosity, his parents were fond of this feature and loved him no less.

They knew that when the time was ready he would have to marry someone who would be beneficial to their financial status. When Taehyung declared he was gay they weren't disappointed, nor disgusted. They were happy since the Min company had only one son who had come out as bisexual only a year before Taehyung.

Taehyung's parents and Yoongi's parents forged a deal, one that would eventually ruin the blonde's innocent & optimistic self to a much more pathetic & depressed one. Taehyung fell in love, his first love, and thought it would last forever. Now, he got rid of that forever for good. Everyone felt happy for him except for two persons.

His parents.

So there he was, fumbling with his flannel while sitting in the large living room of his parent's home. He had been ignoring their shared looks and the occasional clearing of throats, implying he should start explaining things before the situation became too awkward.

Their gazes slid from their son to the boy sitting next to him on the white leather couch. The boy had raven black hair, multiple rings and piercings in his ears and wore all black.

The fitted top he was wearing showed off the tattoo on his shoulder and now he had also one on his arm on the other side. It was a date, the date Jimin had gotten his last treatment and was now cured of cancer.

The boy looked like bad news but his parents were confused to why he was with their son and why he didn't look threatening. The boy had a worried expression on his face while his hand laid on Taehyung's knee. The fond expression in his eyes told his parents enough that this boy and their son were in love.

Taehyung finally took a deep breath and decided the silence had been going on for too long.

"Yoongi was abusive", Taehyung spoke up, startling his parents by the sudden sound and information, "He often punched, slapped, kicked and hit me. I took it all without any thought, thinking this was normal, this was how a relationship should be.

I loved him and thought this needed to be done in order for him to love me as well. I acted like it was fine. I myself started believing it was fine. I've lied to myself for many years, thinking I deserved this kind of man.

After every kick there would be a kiss, after every hurtful comment there'd be soothing words. Of course I only remembered the bad ones and focused on those, eventually losing weight because Yoongi thought I was too fat, eventually dyeing my hair because

Yoongi beat me up for dyeing it red without his permission, eventually losing all my friends because Yoongi got jealous at every one of them. I was an empty shell at the end, relying on him without thinking about it because who else did I have? I had pushed every person I knew away... That's when Jungkook showed up and showed me that my relationship with Yoongi wasn't right. Because of him I learnt how it felt to be loved again. Because of him I have some friends again who support me in things. Because of him I finally feel alive again".

Taehyung looked up to meet his parents stares. They looked shocked while taking in everything their son had just told them. Jungkook had started tearing up and blinked the tears away, slinging an arm around his boyfriend to cuddle up to him. Taehyung smiled and noticed his parents glancing between the two of them.

"I chose him", the blonde spoke up, "And dumped Yoongi".


"Yoongi has killed people. I knew about it, heck, I even saw it happen in front of my eyes. I told the police everything I know and Yoongi will soon have a trial. I won't be charged since I was threatened by Yoongi to not tell anyone. My fiancé was a murderer, a manipulative asshole & an abusive boyfriend. That's why I dumped him".

Jungkook pecked his boyfriend's cheek and smiled at him, proud of Taehyung standing his ground.

"Son... you didn't need to say anything else. We know about Yoongi being sentenced, his parents told us. We can't be more sorry to have set you up with such a person. We can see how happy Jungkook makes you and how he's whipped for you. I don't think we can say anything against your relationship", his dad spoke, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Really?", Taehyung's eyes glistened, a bright smile on his face.

"Of course son. We love you and want what's best for you", his mom nodded, fixing her glasses.

Taehyung grinned and ran up to his parents, engulfing them into a hug.

"I love you so much", the blonde mumbled into the hug, hearing his parents chuckle.

"We love you too son", his father said, "Now you better introduce us to your boyfriend because he seems very uncomfortable being the third wheel now".

Taehyung laughed and released the grip on his parents, walking back to Jungkook who was smiling at him from the couch. He sat down next to him and grabbed the younger's hand in his, intertwining their fingers.

"So it all started when I walked through the skate park..."

(fade out as in a movie)

(we all know the rest of the story)

The end I guess??? Thank you for reading :))

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