new -2

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Father sat down in the fake leather  wooden chair. Huffing and puffing; drinking his black coffee with sass, his jaw clenching while his eyes darted around the room.

"Why could you guys not have seen or heard anything during the night?" my father said, looking at me with a glare. As he took a long drag from his cigarette. "Your window is right outside" he rolled his eyes.

Oh, I'm so sorry I was sleeping like a normal person, didn't know that looking out for potential danger was also part of the job description. I bit the inside of my cheek not saying anything. Being bitchy is not right at the moment.

I gulped the sip of my now cold tea and smiled apologising.

Sitting down in the plush sofa, a small yawn left my mouth as I leaned back into the cushion.

"You can call the insurance company, later on, they open at 8 am," I said, looking at my phone and yawning.

My mother nodded her head, as she paced the length of our living and dining room. She was on her second cigarette. Sighs leaving her as she physically looked stressed beyond measure. I could practically see her gears turning as she thought deeply.
"Have you no clue who it could be?" my mother spoke as my dad shrugged his shoulders.

A spark passed through my mother's eyes "it could be that bastard who came here yesterday asking for you" she puffed out her smoke as she spoke, looking at my father "you owned him money right?" A sneer left her lips as she picked up her coffee.

I watched as my dad glared at her. "It couldn't be him, he wouldn't dare". My dad said, picking up the cigarette box and taking one another one.

Oh I'm sorry Don, I didn't know you were this fucking powerful. I into my apple, looking between the couple.

Mother made a little grunting sound at the back of her throat in disapproval. "No! he said he'd come back" she sat down, taking a small gulp of her black coffee.

Dad rolled his eyes at her, picking up the phone he dialled a number on the loudspeaker.

"Hey bro, I'm going to be an hour late, someone smashed the front and back windows of my car," his tone friendly, as he looked briefly to the front of our house where the car stood.

"Rob, who did you piss off this time?"

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