The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Prologue, Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws


The Fire Triangle - A Zootopia Fanfiction

Prologue – Escape From Zoo York


Chapter 2

No sooner had Jimmy Jr. gone out the door, than a remarkable change came over his father. No longer petty and petulant, The Mister turned instantly cool and professional. As if to confirm this change of attitude, his two bear-bodyguards immediately assumed the 'at ease' position.

"Awrite, everything ready for Dylan's trip?" he asked.

It was as if the incident with his son had never happened...on his end, anyway. Not so for Kieran, who rubbed gingerly at his face while answering his uncle.

"It's all here." He answered, hoisting the Manila envelope, "Air tickets, maps, specially modified cell-phone, spending cash, prepaid debit card, mirrored sunglasses, and the placard of course."

"Good, good." His uncle nodded and then turned his attention to Danny, "An' what about youse? Got the stones all set to go?"

The swift fox answered him while holding up the backpack.

"Locked and loaded, Mister McCrodon."

The Mister rolled his wheelchair closer.

"I wanna see."

Danny zipped open the backpack, removing a bright yellow box, decorated with a multi-hued tartan and the outline of a castle on a high hill. A cellophane window on the left side revealed something that looked like 5 long pieces of sidewalk artists' chalk.

The label read, 'Rosseal's EDINBURGH CASTLE ROCK CANDY' and a small, oval sticker on the top right corner proclaimed, "To: Bobbi."

Danny passed the box to The Mister, who turned it over in his paws, studying it minutely.

"Nice work," he said, not looking up, "You can't tell it from the real thing."

Danny couldn't help chuckling in spite of himself. "That's coz it IS the real thing—original packaging." He allowed himself a wink, adding, "Slightly different contents of course."

"I especially like that little window on the side," The sea-mink nodded, passing it back to him, "If some MSA copper gets curious, he can see without opening the box that's it's only candy ...but at the same time, he can't see everything that's in there."

Danny nodded back and Kieran decided to throw a couple of cents of his own; he pointed to the sticker in the corner of the box. "And because it's a kid's present, they'll be none too eager to open it anyways, eh? No one wants to look like a heartless yob.""

"Wanna see how it works?" Danny asked, anticipating the boss's next question.


Danny drew out a small, twist-wrapped piece of the confection from his pocket, removing the cellophane and popping it into his mouth. He spent the next few seconds rolling it around his cheeks, and then spit a tiny object into his paw, offering it to The Mister.

The Mister leaned in closer, squinting. There, nestled in the swift fox's paw, was a brilliant, sparkling gem.

"That's only a zircoonia of course." Kieran told him, pointing at the stone, "But it gives ye the idea of how the set-up works. Our boys in the pharma labs did a cracker of a job."

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fan-Fiction -- Prologue, Escape From Zoo YorkWhere stories live. Discover now