Cigarettes and cynicism

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Fuck you, the dreamer screams

through the unspoken words that gleefully choke him,

 with no revolutions to lend strength to

and no oppressors foolish enough to face him

The rotting trees do not slake his lust

And he knows only disgust of the glorious words sung by

the bright eyed kids, dreaming of fucking

as they float over the boulevards, mistaken for clouds

by the tired men and tired women who yet have not

learnt to live in dreamless wakefulness

and call rain, the lovely excretions that spill from the holes

of those that sit upon their place on the iron transmission towers

watching for sport, the young men and the young women

rippling the moonlight with their trembling

in cold grasp of the greed of the horny and the hungry

who reek of cigarettes and cynicism

And croon to them of the addiction's tune

burning marks upon their flesh, singing the tears

of the innocent as they are taken slowly

too by the raping emperors upon snapped spines

And here we lie

calmed by a bit less oxygen, a bit less life

watching the war,

of the titans in the sky, drowning out the weeping ants

with songs of love and victory and oblivion

in an endless blind peace that sways over the precipice

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