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Hi there!

How lovely to see that you have found my story, and find it interesting.

There's a few things I'd like to say before you start reading, so.. here we go.

1. You are more than welcome to give me feedback when/if you see any typos, grammatic mistakes, spelling mistakes etc. My english isn't the best (i'm from Sweden if you're wondering, you're probably not but I just wanted to say it) and I'm still learning, so yeah. I'm very greatful for feedback on my writing as long as you keep it nice, obviously.

2. Second, please don't steal anything, like... I beg you with all my heart. I've worked really hard on this story and yeah... Ask me if you find anything that I've written inspirational, the worst I can say is no, right?

3. And at last, I want to apologize if I mix up british and american english, like things like expressions or words and stuff like that. I'm aware that I do that sometimes when I write, and when I myself think that's one of the most annoying things to stumble upon when you read, I apologize. Feel free to tell if you find typos like that, and tell me how I can write differently!

I think that's all, at least for now. Thank you for reading this and hope you'll enjoy reading this story, and.. yeah. Comment, vote, love.. whatever you can and want to do, I'd appreciate it alot :)

lots of love xx


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