chapter 3

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hi hi hi wonderful people!!!! having a good day? i'm so happy that i finally got the chance to update after such a long wait but i hope this is worth the wait!

i love you guys! <3

happy reading!!

Darkness was everywhere, nothing could be seen with a thick layer of mist covering every corner..... that was all he could see...all he could feel... but somewhere far away in his mind he heard a name being chanted...

"Harry.... harry wake up..haz wake up mate.."

it was starting to get annoying because the voice won't stop and it was disturbing his sleep... but then again he was never the one to let go of an opportunity,.so his urge to see past the darkness became prominent more than anything else.

forcing his eyes to open, he came into contact with a bright harsh light instead of the nerve wrecking darkness ...

zayn stood there, next to him with a worried expression on his face which made him realise that something was wrong...

''oh sweet baby jesus! you're awake!! BEN!!! GET DR. ZIMMENS AND A GLASS OF WATER!!!"

OK now that was.confusing... what was wrong.with him? just as he thought that a sudden pain was ripping his insides,

letting out a small whimper harry quickly shot out a hand to touch the spot but another hand gripped his before he could touch,

''don't haz, don't touch it, leave it that way and the pain will go away soon''

zayn's voice held reassuarence and some sort of a comfort, and as harry closed his eyes in pain, the said pain immidieatly disappeared when the previous event rushed back in to his mind, taking louis to the forest, jackson, getting bitten? LOUIS!!

harry quickly moved his head around and studied his surroundings, he could tell that he was in a hospital, before he could do anymore observations another voice pipped in,

''oh good lord he's awake! hello harry, my name is Dr. Zimmens, if we can get you to sit up a bit,.."

and then there were hands helping him up... jesus! what happened to his voice...where did it go??


''oh yes yes, water...BEN GET THAT WATER IN HERE!! NOW"

within minutes a glass of water was being pressed against his lips.. the feeling of the comforting liquid felt like heven to him..

"right... now that its done, harry can you try and tell me what happened? take all the time you need yeah?''

as he repeated the previous events infront of zayn and Dr. Zimmens all he could think about was louis....

after what seemed like many hours, he was finally free to go and he was walking down the hallway with zayn, harry stopped suddenly causing zayn to crash into him,

"what the hell haz? give a man a warning next time will ya?"

"i want to see louis, where's louis?" harry said without answering his previous question,

"i knew you were gonna be like this... well, not like i can change your mind about it anyway, c'mon then, let's get this over with"

after driving for louis' house which could only be described as slow and painful, finally the two boys stood infront of the tomlinson household, harry lifted his hand ready to knock but he was hesitating,

what would he say to jay?

or Mark if they ask the reason he came,

but then again, louis was HIS younger brother, after knocking for about two minutes, the door finally opened to be greeted with a boy that they had seen in school,

 (DISCONTINUED). Full Moon BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now