Chapter 1

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As Luna walked down the empty corridor dreamily wondering about how she was going to stop the nargles from invading Hogwarts she noticed a crumpled piece of paper oddly misplaced, lying their in the middle of the corridor.

Normally she wouldn't be this nosy...but her instinct told her to open it and her instinct was never wrong.

After opening the note she saw the following conversation.

She couldn't help but notice that the handwriting looked familiar.

Have you told her yet?-R
I can't were so close as friends I don't want ruin our friendship-G
You're like the Snape of our time -R
What does that even mean?!-G
Gin please it isn't healthy to bottle up your feelings like this-R

Luna concluded that this conversation took place between Ron and Ginny during History of Magic at least an hour ago.

Why? Because that's the classroom she found the note outside and the Gryffindors happened to have that class with the Ravenclaws.

Luna's thoughts were interrupted when she heard voices.

Out loud.

They were NOT in her head

"Ok ok. Just calm down. We'll just retrace your step from History of Mag-"

Ron turned the corner and locked eyes with Luna his eyes looked down at her hand and he noticed what she was holding.

"Found it."

"Where?" Ginny came running around the corner but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Luna.

"Well...Good luck." Ron said and walked off.

Luna ran up to Ginny hugged her.

"Luna will you be my girlfriend?"

Luna who was too happy to speak kissed her.

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