"Thanks, mom you're the best," I blow her a kiss and leap into the safety of my room in a seconds times with a deep breath escaping my lungs as soon as the door is shut. My dad will keep her company when he gets back in a few minutes. For now I just need to be by myself and forget about what happened this morning.

I change into a different outfit and curl up on my bed with a book. The string lights above my window and door are the only source of light in the room by the time I finish the first two chapters, and then there's a knock on my door.

Thinking it's my mom or dad, I yell for them to come in only to be completely stunned and scared by Jace.

"What - how did you get in here?" I screech and throw the blankets off of me.

"Your mom let me in," He furrows his eyebrows at my startled figure. "Duh."

I narrow my eyes and slip on a pair of cotton pajama pants over the shorts I decided to put on. I don't need to be too exposed in front of him especially when emotionally I am.

"Well, then why the heck are you here?" I can guess the reason, but I'm so caught off guard that yelling at him and declaring him to get out doesn't come to mind.

"I think you know why," he states and looks around.

"What are you doing?" I spit, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Are you expecting Eric tonight?" He asks, looking at me with those bright eyes that make my insides quiver.

I need to get a grip.

"No," I answer truthfully. "What does that have to do with anything?"

He takes two steps closer to me as I say this, and I take two steps back. He smirks slightly and takes another forward drawing the same reaction from me like last time.

"You owe me remember?" He asks, walking even closer. I I take another step back then I'll be tripping over my bed, so I stay put. The door to my room is shut which makes me feel a little better about this, but also extremely nervous. Anything could happen and my parents wouldn't have the slightest clue. They like Jace, my dad mostly because he likes football, and my mom because he's cute.

Little do they know how corrupt he really is.

"I remember," I let out in a breath. I bite my bottom lip out of strict nerves and Jace's eyes zero in on the very thing. I shiver.

"I've come up with a way for you to do so." I start to get even more nervous because with the way he's looking at me and what we're talking about seems to match up.

"And what's that?" I question finally, letting out a broken breath when the man moves to get directly in front of me. Our chests are nearly touching now, the proximity both needed and wanted but so wrong.

"Tell Eric what you saw and break things off with him." I'm distracted by the closeness of Jace that the request doesn't seem like that bad of an idea.

"Why?" I whisper. "What's in it for you?"

He smirks slightly, his hands cinching my waist and pulling me even closer, I look up at his face and he's smirking while he brushes his nose against mine.

"Let's just say," he feathers his plump lips against mine. "That knowing he's hurting you makes me want to put my fist through his face, but I can't do that until you tell him."


I push him away and glare at him even though he looks slightly confused, but mostly angered that I pushed him away.

"You can't just do that," I point my finger at him, my conflicting emotions currently battling furiously. I don't know how to feel, but anger seems the most reasonable at the moment.

"Do what, Nina?" He growls, getting mad at my tone I'm sure. "Tell you what you asked?"

I laugh bitterly. "Just the other day you told me you don't date-"

"That doesn't mean I don't care for you."

I groan loudly, feeling frustrated. "Stop. Stop playing with my emotions like this."

"No." Did he just say...no.


"No," he states again, the determination in his eyes making me feel some sort of way. I've never seen this look on him - or any man for that matter. "You're upset about Saturday, I get it, but you haven't let me explain."

"Because you don't need to," I declare matter of fact my. He doesn't, I already know what happened that night, it's been playing in my mind since it happened, I don't need him to tell me lies.

"I meant every single thing I said that night," he states, stepping closer to me again, not letting me move away. "From how your lips should be on mine not his, to how fucking sexy you are, Nina. I know you well enough by now to acknowledge the fact that you take your religion seriously. If I didn't feel for you in any way, I wouldn't have taken something from you that you tried to keep away."

My heart beat picks up, I can feel it pound in my chest and in my neck and wrist. My pulse is haywire, wanting to hear him say more, yet also wanting him to stop. I'm screwed up.

"I can't stop thinking about that night," he goes on. "Everything about it. The way your lips felt-"

I turn my head from him, but he grips my jaw and turns it back to him.

"How you moaned my name, needed me. I've never felt anything close to the way I was feeling for you that night. You trusted me enough to do what I did - something you didn't give Eric. I wouldn't take that for granted."

"You said you don't date," I pathetically State, wanting him to address that issue.

"I know, baby," he softly responds, leaning his forehead against mine. "I know."

"You kissed that girl," I grip the front of his shirt in my hands, the frustration coiling in my fists.

"I know," he repeats. "I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it when I told you I don't date. Kissing that girl didn't mean anything. Believe me."

I sick in a shaky breath and he places his lips on mine. Every ounce of tension and frustration and irritation vanished in a breath out of my body once his mouth descends mine. Each and every time we're like this it gets better, and the point of no return is nearing, I can feel it.

Jace's one hand grips my waist and the other slides to my neck and then my hair, gripping hard. I feel the sting in my scalp, but it only makes me kiss back harder with that much more passion.

"I'm sorry," breaks away to whisper, and then kisses me once again.

This is what I want.

Heyyy!!!! Sorry about the long freaking wait guys, the business of my life right is completely overwhelming and is preventing me from doing anything that I want to :( I hope this update was worth it, though and I'll try to update soon :)))

What do you think? Should Nina face the issues head on? Did you know Jace would show up? Are you glad he did? Will Nina except Jace's payment for him helping her with Eric?

Don't be a silent reader!!

Enjoy. Love you all <3

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