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Zach: halllooo
Carol: helloooo
Zach: I'm bored
Zach: lol
Carol: that's nice
Zach: Well it is nice because she has to the park she says and she came it doesn't have to go on the other person persons point no longer can I be like the one that I can come with and before she can be found she will have a name in my opinion and I have no clue who she was
Carol: I will have a question mark on the stage and the book is not a good book to be the only one that is the one who is the only one I want in the world to have a question
Zach: hollyyyyy
Carol: yeah
Zach: what r we doing with our lives
Carol: Idek know
Zach: k
Carol: coolio
Zach: cool beans
Carol: ew who eats beans cold
Zach: idk
Carol: greeeeaatttttt
Zach: well
Zach: ya know
Zach: we could always go out for some ice cream
Carol: nah I'm good
Carol: it's like 18°C outside
Zach: o ok
Zach: welp
Zach: I guess I'll just watch some tv
Zach: later Carlos
Carol: Wowwww
Carol: Bye Zachary


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