Grayson looked at her as though he was unsure wether she was joking or not.

"I'm kidding." She said, rolling her eyes. "You really have no clue where we are?"

"Should I?" Grayson asked, confusion laced in his voice.

"You're an idiot." Lauren laughed, shaking her head. "Get off the car and come see."

Not waiting for grayson to protest, Lauren opened the door and jumped out, leaving the car and making her way to the dense trees. She knew he would follow. At first, he stayed in the car, as though he was contemplating wether this entire ordeal was a good idea or not. But, like clockwork, Grayson's footsteps sure enough came rushing behind her, until he reached her completely breathless.

By then the two were surrounded on all four corners by hundreds of tree trunks and towering palm trees. Luckily, Lauren remembered the directions from her phone, and followed a long stone path. She stuck her tongue out in concentration as she focused on weaving her way through the trees and following the path.

"Look!" Grayson exclaimed in a whisper, a grin breaking out on his face.

"What is it?" Lauren mumbled, not taking her eyes of the pebbled path so they wouldn't lose their way.

"Fireflies." He whispered back. Lauren looked up and saw a soft, warm glow of hundreds of fireflies slicing through the dark night like shooting stars. Grayson peered at them in childish wonder as he stuck his index finger out in an attempt to attract them to it.

"They're not butterflies, Grayson." Lauren laughed. "They don't just land on your-" She stopped mid-sentence as one of the fireflies landed perfectly on his finger.

Grayson raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I'm sorry, what was it that you were saying?" He poked her playfully.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, firefly fuck."

Grayson placed a hand over his chest mockingly, pretending as if he was hurt. He stopped for a bit as he tried to get more fireflies to land on his finger. Lauren couldn't stop a smile from spreading to her face as she watched him coo to the fireflies invitingly as though they were babies. She knew he would stand there all night if she didn't stop him, so she grabbed his hand and quickened her pace down the path. "Come on, it's not far from here."

She spotted a wooden sign that was pushed into the ground. It looked important with its big, red writing but Lauren couldn't manage to read it through the dense darkness.

"What does it say?" Grayson said, squinting his eyes. Lauren stopped him but pulling him away from the sign and trudging further along the path.

"No reading-" She said firmly. "It could spoil the surprise."

The pebble path started evening out into a soil one. Grayson murmured to himself about the place reminding him of something and Lauren bit back a smile. She couldn't wait to see his reaction. Finally, the darkness faded, parting between two palm trees. And there stood the waterfall in all its glory. Grayson sucked in a breath as looked up and saw it.

The waterfall was small in comparison to the ones Lauren had seen before, but it was by far one of the prettiest. A curtain of white water effortlessly flowed over the grey rocks as if it were being poured from a giant bucket that never emptied. Primroses glimmered along its banks and fireflies danced upon the water's tranquil surface.

"How did you know?" Grayson asked. The softest smile was set on his face, reaching all the way to his glossy eyes.

"Your journal."

"I haven't been here for years. Ever since Ethan-" His voice trembled and cracked. Lauren squeezed his hand comfortingly.

"Thank you." He said inaudibly. "For everything."

Lauren smiled. "Of course." She said. Without warning, she loosened her ponytail and slipped her shirt over her head.

Grayson took a step back. "Wha- What are you doing?" A wave of red seeped to his cheeks as he frantically covered his eyes.

She laughed. "You don't expect me to swim with jeans and a t-shirt on, do you?"

"Swim?" Grayson questioned. "In the dark?"

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "You've never been night swimming?"

"I can't say that I have." He said with a shake of his head. Grayson was still covering his eyes, but Lauren wasn't sure if it was to hide his prominent blush or he was too shy to see her in just her underwear. She presumed both, and used his weakness to her advantage by pushing him into the water without any warning.

Grayson emerged from the surface. "I can't see!" He wailed, flailing his arms in the air.

"Try opening your eyes, Grayson." Lauren suggested with a laugh.

He rubbed his eyes, only to see Lauren in hysterics on the banks of the water. He came out of the water, taking his top off and wringing all the excess water from it. He pretended to be angry, but Lauren could see the shadow of a grin dancing on the corners of his curved lips. Before she could do anything, Grayson slung her over his shoulder anf the two plunged together into the icy waters.

"I hate you!" Lauren laughed, splashing a wave of water at Grayson.

Grayson stuck his tongue out at her childishly, before splashing her right back. She screamed as the water came barreling towards her, about twice the size as the one she sent to him. Grayson grabbed her by the waist and dunked her underneath the water. Lauren held her breath, laying still under the water for a few moments. She could hear Grayson calling for her worriedly above the surface, before pulling her up from the water and holding her in his hands. Lauren erupted into a fit of giggles, and she could see Grayson's tense figure visibly relax.

"Fuck you," albeit with a relieved laugh, splashing her with water.

"Did you just-" Lauren began, but was interrupted yet again by a wave of water. "Hey!" She protested, splashing him back. The result was a full fledged war and the night air was filled with their loud screams and laughter.

Their hair clung to their heads and around their faces, but no matter how wet they became, it could not dampen their spirits.

* * *


i know i haven't been updating as regular as my usual twice a week schedule but i just finished my finals so i finally have time to write.


dedicated to masturgraytion bc she's the most precious cunt ever and i love her so much

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