Young Dumb and Broke

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Interviewer : "What is your oppinion on being a greaser in todays society?"

"No one sees the real us, they see us and run or look away, start talking about us like they know us and it aint fair......" -Ponyboy

"I think being a greaser is just a way of bein a hippie and shit u kno? Greaser life or no life you know what i mean?" then whispers with serious face ; "Same wit johnny" -Dallas

"Its scary & people just dont like you for no reason and it aint far man! It aint far! Always tryna beat me up and stuff. So i kill whoever gets in my way-" : Johnny

"What?!?" -Interveiwer

"huh?" -Johnny

Interveiwer: "How would you describe the gang?"

"We dont go looking for trouble, we are the trouble." - Dallas

"We are fun. Thats all i gotta say, so if u looking for a good time just hit me up, ya dig okay baby?" *winks at reporter lady* -Twobit

"The gang is undescribable. Without one another, i dont know where we would be. But we are  greasers ,  jds and  hoods ! We blacken the name of our fair city, beat up people, rob gas stations and man do we have fun! ya dig?" -Steve

"We're just young dumb, broke highschool kids. " -Sodapop

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