Katie and Annie start arguing

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Annie's POV:
I woke up and I had fallen asleep on Hayden again I was thinking I really need to stop doing that but when I tried to get up I realise he had his arm on around my waist so I couldn't get up I tried waking him but he just kept saying 5 more minutes in his sleep which made me laugh so I just laid back down and waited for him to wake up.

Hayden's POV:
I wake up with Annie asleep on us again and realise she couldn't get up because my arm was around her so I woke her up and said sorry about that but she didn't seem to mind she just smiled and said breakfast was ready so I followed her to the living room.

Annie's POV:
Hayden finally woke up and said sorry about that but I just smiled and told him breakfast as ready when we finished breakfast it was time for Jayden,Hayden and Nadia to go as they had other things to do so I hug them all goodbye and went to find Katie as we had been distant. When I found her she seemed mad and when I asked if she was okay she started shouting saying  I was a bad friend for leaving her for Jayden and Hayden and that me and her was no longer best friends and I got upset but she didn't care she said it was my fault for getting to close to them and so I told her yes Jayden's my best friend but I didn't plan that and I was sorry but she didn't care and she just left me on the balcony crying.

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