8. Vikk

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I don't know how long I walked for, but when I stopped I was starving. So I stayed where I was, sitting down in the sand by some sort of lake. I picked up a poppy from the grass and looked at it. 

"Why did I end up here?" I asked the flower like it would reply. I didn't take my eyes off it as I spoke.

"I'm so lonely, and I have so many things to do too. I was meant to work on an important project. But that's already too late now I guess" I told the poppy, putting my legs out a bit so my feet were in the water.

"Maybe I should just get used to this life, I guess I could. My usual life feels so far away anyway, and it's not like it would be all bad either. Just look at the beauty of you, and your friends" I spoke, touching it's pedals. Then I stood up, standing in the small lake, which was surprisingly pleasant warm. Maybe I could live here, it wasn't all that bad...

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