An Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Belle?" he asks me. "Did you overhear our conversation?"

Trying to swallow the lump in my throat, I nod.

"Then do you know what she is talking about?"

I nod again. "Rumple, I think it's best if-"

"Belle," he cuts me off impatiently, "I know it's hard for you to open up about what happened. I know. I just need to know this one thing- I'm tired of waiting- who was this someone, and what did they do?"

"Rumple," I say quietly. "I think it's best if you sit down."

"I won't. Tell me about them."

And so I did.

Belle's POV, 3 Years Ago

I don't know where I am. The last thing I remember is storming down the road away from Rumple's castle, tears streaming down my face and clouding my vision. I hurried to wipe them away with the back of my hand, but they kept coming. The same words ran through my mind over and over again.

My power... means more to me... than you do...

Then a huge shadow loomed up in the path, and I blacked out.

Now I'm here.

But where is... here?

I sit up and look at my surroundings. I am in a small room, enclosed by dirty, cobblestone walls. The only light in the room comes through the bars in the window of the door.

... Bars?

Am I in a jail cell? I look down at where I'm sitting and see a small cot, covered with a rough blanket and a dirty pillow. There is only one window in the room, a small triangular one that is quite high up. It doesn't have any bars on it! I am quick to pull my cot to the window (no easy task in a dress) and climb atop it, but when I look out the window I am even more dismayed. I seem to be a few hundred feet up. It seems this window needs no bars.

"Prisoner!" I hear someone bark from outside my door. I step off the cot and march up to the door, peering through the bars.

"What did you call me?" I ask, trying to sound brave but failing miserably.

"Prisoner," the same voice says again, with less harshness. "The Queen approaches. Stand back and regard her with respect."

"The Queen?" I ask, astonished.

"Do as I say!" There is a loud thump on the door.

I take a few steps back and watch as the door opens, and a familiar woman steps inside. She's the one who told me how to break Rumple's curse. This is the Queen? Then, a new thought strikes me.

She's the reason Rumple doesn't want me anymore.

This is enough to kindle my confidence.

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?!" I shout at her, enraged.

She merely looks at me blankly, then responds. "You're my new chess piece."

"Chess piece?" I say, my fists curled tight at my sides. "What do you mean? Chess piece in who's game? Why me?"

She gives me a cruel smile and leans in. "Oh, my darling Belle, I am sure you know exactly why you're here."

"Does this have to do with Rumple...stiltskin?" I have to force myself to not use the nickname.

"Exactly," she replies, "I knew you reading all those books had to improve your intelligence somehow."

"Graham!" she suddenly calls out, turning toward the door. A royal guard steps in, decked head to toe in armor. He looks uncomfortable in it.

"This is Graham," she says, turning back toward me. "He is here to make sure you never, ever, escape."

He pulls off his helmet and looks upon me with no emotion on his face.

"Don't worry, Belle," he says. He has an accent that I can't place. "You never have to worry about leaving again."

With that, the two step back outside. I see Graham look at me with an expression I don't recognize before he closes the door and I hear the lock click in place.

"Make sure she gets two meals a day. She is allowed only five requests for water per day. Any other accommodations are not to be provided," says The Queen.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I hear Graham respond.

"I just need to bide my time..." she mutters, and I hear her heels click against the stairs as she walks down them.

I lay back on the cot and stare at the ceiling.

How could this happen?

*~ How do you guys like it so far? Don't worry, that's not the whole story. Belle still has a lot to tell Rumple about. Poor Rumple, he's all distressed. Comment what you think about the story, and don't forget to vote! ~*

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