Scarlet Eyes

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The darkness crowded the streets more than people this night. No one seemed to be interested in being out in the big city anymore. There had been a rash of animal attacks lately, but anyone who had seen the bodies knew that the only animal that could leave a puncture wound such as the ones found on the dead bodies was a snake. Snakes don't drink blood. The bodies were found at odd angles, dangling from high buildings. Their eyes were always wide with terror, and sometimes they had broken bones. There was no correlation between the victims; they didn't know each other, or if they did they didn't live anywhere near one another. The cases were frustrating the police, but Samuel knew what was going on.

"I didn't starve myself for thousands of years, for greedy little impure monsters to make me look bad." He growled to himself while clenching his strangely white teeth, behind stained red lips. He was sick of having to be a vigilante for the humans, and sick of these imitations of his kind roaming around making him look bad. It irritated him to no end that these creatures were around.

From far away Samuel heard a scream. A woman screaming like she was being attacked by something she had never dreamed could be real. That was Samuel's cue. He stood from the bench where he had been sitting, dusting himself off, and disappearing in a blur of motion. His black long shirt and blue jeans making no sound as he moved. He followed the scream to a dead end in an alley way. As he had thought a woman was cowering in the corner, a strange creature looming over her. Samuel spat on the ground getting the creature's attention. The strange being turned its head to look at Samuel, it growled and hissed frustrated by the delay in its meal.

"Shut up and come at me." Samuel grinned slightly drawing a hand up through his shaggy auburn hair. The creature charged. Samuel sighed looking at its slow movements. This wasn't the one responsible for the previously killings. This creature had never fed before. It was too slow, movements too jerky, too much like a child learning to walk. He reached his hand out and slapped the creature away. It had potential to regain its thought processes. The creature hit the wall with a soft grunt as it went unconscious. He went to the unconscious creature, shaking his head he mumbled.

"Poor thing. I'm going to find out who is doing this to people." Then he stood up, and walked over to the woman. She was curled up into a ball sobbing. This was common, but what wasn't common was how much she smelled like blood. By the strength of the smell he would say she was bleeding out, and needed to be rushed to the hospital... but she wasn't bleeding anywhere that he could see. Gently, he reached his hand down and turned her to face him. She wasn't a woman; she was a girl no older then sixteen and she was bleeding from her nose, and eyes.

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