Pay me

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Taehyung p.o.v

I run as fast as my legs can take me. How can I pay them? Stupid stupid parents, I'm going to get killed. I hear the bangs and shouts and I know they're not far behind. I hide behind a bin. They're strong but stupid. But they have 'him' if they tell 'him' I'm dead. He's strong and smart. I heard no ones escaped him, the police can never find him and no one knows how they're killed. Quickly or painfully. No ones ever seen him. I need to get the money but how, with what job?

They're gone and I get up and walk to my apartment. I can't even sustain a roof over my head. I throw all my belongings onto the sofa. I slip into my shower. Then I get pyjamas. I stare at the white container and sigh. Is this my only source of help? I hide myself under the sheets and stare at the ceiling. This is how I live? No sleep, no money, no family, no help and no escape. My eyes suddenly become blurry. Tears not falling but threatening to fall. A blink of the eye triggering them as the slowly slip down and escape their cage. They roll down my cheek and die on my lips. The salty taste, the bitterness. Glancing at the container one last time. Maybe I should avoid them but how will you cope.

Suddenly this urge goes through me and I grab the container, shaking the pills out I put one in my mouth. I wake up, the sun blinding me. Another night with sleeping pills. Slowly I get up and put on a black hoodie and jeans. I open my door and step out. Maybe I can find a job today. Today should be good, I'll make it good. "KIM TAEHYUNG!"


My back gets slammed against the wall and cold eyes stare at me. "where's my money?" the tall, skinny guy spits. His long, slim fingers griping tighter on my hoodie. "I....... uh........ I'll get it-" he cuts me off by slamming me into the wall again. "Enough chances do you know what I do when people don't pay me?" he asks slightly tilting his head. I shake my head not trusting my words. His lips form a smirk. "Kill them." he said. I raise my fist and hit him. I was shaking. The man dropped to the floor. This is your chance kill him. The sound of foot steps were getting louder and I ran. Well there goes my perfect day.

I walk to Seokjin's café. "Hey tae what can I get you?" he asks and gives that Jin smile. "Nothing" I mutter. Hours pass and I stay in the cafè. I'm safe here, I guess. Its boring being lonely and Jin is too busy with his "friend." Namjoon his "friend." They totally like each other. I stare at them a little longer. What would it be like to be them? Will I find my Mr right? Keep dreaming tae, keep dreaming. Jin's window washing laugh brought me back to reality.

"Tae you have to go we're closing." I nod my head and wave him a goodbye. As soon as I step out I hear "did you think that stunt you pulled earlier was funny?" my head jerks to the side. "You know I don't want the money anymore" he pauses and pulls out a knife.  He grabs me so I'm in front of him but not facing him. The cold blade ready to slice into my skin, ready to start the punishment, ready to murder, to leave marks. I mentally prepare myself. This was coming we all knew it we just didn't know when and how. The blade is slowly pushed into my skin as it covers the metal with my blood. The red substance drip and hits the floor and I'm sure I'm going to follow. The guy leans into my ear, he was so close I could feel his breathe tickle my ear. "I want you dead."

 'I do to.'

Note- sorry for any mistakes and the beginning 😂😂

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